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Tank cycling question


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I am going out of town for 3 weeks, and want to let my tak cycle while I'm away. I'm using all dry rock.


I have a heater and powerheads in the tank. Since I'm only using dry rick, and there is no livestock, will I be ok not setting up an auto topoff. As the water evaporates the salinity will rise, and I will need to adjust it when I get back. Can I get away without topping off if I set the salinity a little low before I go, or do I need to setup an ATO before I go.



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How about just covering the tank to reduce evaporation?


Are you ghost feeding to provide an ammonia source for the bacteria that you're trying to cultivate?

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I was planning on just throwing some shrimp in there, and letting it decay since I won't be there to feed it.

Edited by cbashaw
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