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What nano skimmer are you running.?


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I have an IM Nuvo 24, and have the the IM small skimmer. After reading lots of reviews and my own experience, so far I would say its a giant POS...  Interested to know what others are running and how you like it..? I hear good things about the eshopps, and I hear the tunze works good, but it has to be modded to work in the IM tanks..

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I have an AquaticLife Internal Mini Skimmer 115 and I like it.  It fits tightly in the back section of my 24 cube.  It seems to work pretty well, although I have nothing to compare since this is my first sw tank - so take my advice with a grain of salt ;-).  The performance changes throughout the day - I don't know if that's normal.  I have to clean it every other day or two.

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CAD Lights PLS 50 on a Nuvo 30 here.  I did a review on it in another post, and I really like it.  Very quiet, and easy to dial-in.





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Travis - don't mess with that stock POS.  nano-reef systems makes great skimmers.  I ran one on my 34g Solana and it kicked the crap out of an Aqua-C.  They make good quality stuff to.  It's one of the owners from Euro-Reef (that's why they changed the name to Reef Dynamics......the brothers split......one started Reef Dynamics and one nano-reef systems.



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Thanks Steve, ill look into those.

I did read good things about the cad lights skimmers, as well as the eshops. yeah i would not advise anyone to get the IM skimmers. Everything I've read is bad reviews. I got ot real cheap and now i know why.

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