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Extra Light?

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I need another light to supplement mine.... my corals are not all receiving adequate light... My friend has my Acro. And a monti. Or 2.... but I'd love for my chalice and lps to do just a lil better.... I am ordering an LED light today.... but will not be here for almost 3 weeks... I would like to keep what I have in my tank and not have to take even more pieces down the street... where I get no pleasure and peace of mind... being able to see and watch them grow... So if anyone will let me just borrow maybe a par37? Or something the same.... would be greatly appreciated . Once again, I only need to borrow, just really don't want to take my most beautiful pieces down the road... Thanks.

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I've got a 70W metal halide (JBJ Viper) clip-on that may work and that you can borrow for a few weeks if that works for you. Will you be around tomorrow? I've not plugged it in in ages, but suppose it still works fine.

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I'll take anything I can get really. lol You know how it is, just finally starting to keep the corals I've read about and researched for years...on a budget.:( Fail.lol... but Finally ready to turn my Tank into a TANK. LOL :)

    and I belive so... I normally typically somewhere around Sterling...

Edited by TheyCallMeMr.703
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I don't have it with me today, but I can bring it into Herndon tomorrow. It's an easy drive over to where you're at in Sterling. I'm familiar with the back roads to get there. If you can wait 24 hours, I can bring it by tomorrow afternoon and get a chance to see how you're doing.

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That'd be cool. I guess I'm going to have to clean-up a lil' now.... 0.o lol

LOL. See you tomorrow.

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that's awesome tom!


if you need a 250w MH for the rest of the tank or SPS, let me know. i have a lumenmax elite something or other reflector, galaxy ballast and a bunch of bulbs you can borrow.

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Thanks Tom, The light looks Amazing, been set-up for almost an hour now... Thanks Again... and I think I'll be able to get through these next weeks Feeling MUCH Better about my livestock finally. Thanks. Pic's will follow tonight...

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