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What are these weird circles on my fish?


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DSC_1114_zps17a80002.jpgDSC_1094_zpsd7e76156.jpgThis started about three days ago... first circle showed up on the foxface.... then the next day one showed up on the yellow eye. Then the next day another showed up on the other side of the foxface, and then another above the last one on the yellow eye. Any thoughts on this? FYI, all water parameters are GTG. The only thing that changed right before this started happening was that I added a 4 to 5 inch Starry Blenny... but I thought those guys are peaceful so I ruled him out. other livestock includes 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 black clowns, and one very small sixline wrasse. they all love to sleep in the cleaner shrimps area together at night, the foxface and yellow eye seem to get along. Their behavior has not changed since this happened either. Is this some sort of parasite, or is something beating these guys up? For size comparison, the yellow eye is only 3" but the foxface is huge... about 7" long.
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Its the starry blenny most likely. I had a lawnmower blenny that was very aggressive against other algae eaters, he killed one of my favorite tangs.

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did not know that starr blennies were like that... hmm, will this eventually stop? Or shall I make him a refugium resident?

Edited by ohaverd
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thanks for the heads up all... looks like I've got a date with a inverted soda bottle, some food, some fishing string, a six pack of beer, a bag of doritos, and a roll of duct tape (just in case).

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Definately the starry. I had the same thing happen to my kole tang and starry blenny. Pretty fish but they're jerks!

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So the inverted soda bottle fidnt work. I caught every darn fish but this butthead... any other ideas on getting him out... those of you that saw my build thread know that taking out rocks is not an option.

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Got the little booger! All I did was leave a huge net on the rock where it sleeps at night. After two days he finally trusted it and went to sleep in the middle of the net. I just had to yank the net up fast. Woot!

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