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Clown Mystery Death


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Woke up this morning to fed the DT and found my ocellaris clown to be missing. Now this is unusual as both clowns have stayed together since I bought them first week of August. First thought was the eel got em, but the eel never comes out and wants nothing to do with my fish. Looked everywhere, found him in the filter sock in the sump. His dead body small enough to get thru the teeth of the overflow.


Both clowns went thru 5 weeks of copper at .5ppm and 1 week of prazi-pro. I put them in my DT last Sunday with my eel and the remaining helifrichi I have.


Since Sunday, I have kept the same routine as always (minus the meds), feed Jan's food every other day 2x a day. Only thing that changed was my the clowns were added to the DT. I changed the DI resin yesterday and topped off the tank. No TDS in the water.


The clown showed no visable sign of illness (no ich/velvet/flukes/popeye/fin rot) and seemed perfectly healthy since being added to the DT.


Water parameters were all in check as of this morning. Salinity was 1.025 as always.


My b/w clown and firefish are still alive with no signs of any disease or stress and carry on like nothing happened. Even though I think the b/w female is searching around for the male.


How can the clown be perfectly fine the 6 weeks in QT but as soon as I add to the DT it flops in 4 days? Something doesn't add up. Any thoughts?

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My main thought is it jumped into the overflow..and then being pounded by water in the filter sock died....thats happened to me...

most of the time the dead bodies dont float into the overflow...they sink to the bottom of the tank

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My main thought is it jumped into the overflow..and then being pounded by water in the filter sock died....thats happened to me...

most of the time the dead bodies dont float into the overflow...they sink to the bottom of the tank


I thought about this, but didn't think it made sense.

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The only other possibility is if it was sick...and that would have taken more than a day for you to notice...

how hard does the water fall into your filter sock....if its not to hard then it wouldd be something else...with my old system i couldnt hold my hand under the flow to mine for too long or it would really hurt,lol

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The clown you are left with... is this the same crazy female you had before the ich incident or did you get a whole new pair? I told you to watch out for her. ohmy.gif


I'm still unconvinced that my female didn't kill her first male. She acts very differently with her current male.



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The only other possibility is if it was sick...and that would have taken more than a day for you to notice...

how hard does the water fall into your filter sock....if its not to hard then it wouldd be something else...with my old system i couldnt hold my hand under the flow to mine for too long or it would really hurt,lol


That's the thing, the clown seemed perfectly fine! It was swimming around like normal since i put it in the DT. Ate like normal, behaved like normal. Kissed the females butt like normal. I have an 1.5" drain, so the water is pretty forceful. Didn't see any markings on the dead body, but what do I know.



The clown you are left with... is this the same crazy female you had before the ich incident or did you get a whole new pair? I told you to watch out for her. ohmy.gif


I'm still unconvinced that my female didn't kill her first male. She acts very differently with her current male.



Nope, brand new pair. The DT was fallow for almost 4 months or so before I added the eel and almost 2 months with just the eel before I added the firefish. Clowns were added to the DT two weeks after the firefish, after they were in QT for 6 weeks.


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