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Mandarin Tail Fin


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Noticed this on my female when I was feeding.




Only decent picture I could get. It's looks like it went through a shredder. None of my other fish have this. I assume it will grow back to a whole piece on its own??


Cause for concern? or did it get to close to a powerhead? Water parameters are ideal outside of the ich issue i am having.

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It'll grow back. She might have just made another fish grumpy at some point. It happens.


Hope she gets better soon!

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Keep a close watch on it. If it's from another fish it will start to heal fast. If it's something like fin rot it will deteriorate slowly. You wont see improvment. My regals tail looked like that a few weeks back. It started to heal very fast and that's how I knew it wasn't fin rot. Take a look at pics on the internet for fin rot in marine fish to compare and keep your eye on it.

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Do you have ick? I thought the spots cleared up?


Noticed this on my female when I was feeding.




Only decent picture I could get. It's looks like it went through a shredder. None of my other fish have this. I assume it will grow back to a whole piece on its own??


Cause for concern? or did it get to close to a powerhead? Water parameters are ideal outside of the ich issue i am having.

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It'll grow back. She might have just made another fish grumpy at some point. It happens.


Hope she gets better soon!


That's what I figured..but none of the fish show aggression toward each other. Either way I'll keep a eye watchful on it. Thanks!


Keep a close watch on it. If it's from another fish it will start to heal fast. If it's something like fin rot it will deteriorate slowly. You wont see improvment. My regals tail looked like that a few weeks back. It started to heal very fast and that's how I knew it wasn't fin rot. Take a look at pics on the internet for fin rot in marine fish to compare and keep your eye on it.


Thats what I was afraid off. And the pictures ive seen seem to make me think it is fin rot. But I'll keep looking for improvement.


Do you have ick? I thought the spots cleared up?



The spots on the tang are coming and going..usually they are there in the AM and when I get home after work they are gone.

Edited by .OptimusPrime.
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MDs are very sensitive to nitrates. At about 20ppm they will will get fin rot.


Did not know that.


Last night when I checked the parameters on 2 different kits (salifert and api) both came in between 5-10ppm.


I will double check again or have the LFS test.



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