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Banded Coral Shrimp Question?

Guest Sachin

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Guest Sachin

I have 40 Gallon Acrylic Tank

And I have about few fish


I already have One Coral Banded Shrimp

and I read on the net that you should only keep One Coral Banded Shrimp

per tank


My question is will it be okay to add

Cleaner or/and Fire Shrimp with the Coral Banded Shrimp?

I really want these cleaner shrimps because I think they clean fish more

then the coral banded Shrimps do and because I have few fish

so I want the fish to have more than one shrimp to go to for service.


Please let me know what you think





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My experience is hit or miss.


My CBS will chase and try to catch the other shrimp... So far they have been sucessful at avoiding him (and he has stopped trying as much) (I've had him and my skunk cleaners for about 1.5-2 years).



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I have kept Coral Banded shrimps will all kind of other type of shrimps (cleaner, peppermint, sexy) and never had a problem. I have two caveats, however. I have never kept a single coral banded, I have always had pairs, and they have always been in a bigger tank.

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Eddi-- I was hoping you would chime in here- One note The banded coral shrimp have got to be paired when you buy them- otherwise they will fight to the death if you just pick out singles to add to your tank-

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I tried adding two peppermint shrimps to my 60 gal reef, with 1 existing CBS. Either the CBS got them, or my purple pseudochromis did. They were gone within 2 weeks. In a 40 gal tank I would be very cautious. You may want to consider returning the Coral Banded Shrimp to your LFS if you're set on the cleaner shrimp. They are cool - we have 3 in the 260 FOWLR tank.



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Guest D33rex

My buddy has three pair of shrimp; banded, skunk, and fire. They are in a 40g as well and don't tread on each other's turf. Actually when he added the second coral banded they ripped each others arms off.....the arms grew back and then they reconciled and are now makin babies all the time. Think about that next time you have a fight with your significant other...ha.

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My CBS is in my office 10g tank with my Cleaner. They don't seem to bother anyone in there.


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I have a cleaner, a cbs, and 2 peppermints, they all get along fine. BUT I hate the cbs because he kills all my new fish that are smaller than him, if I could catch him, I'd give him away in a minute.

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Coral Banded Shrimp in my experience are really not predatory. They can be, but I have not had problems with them. In fact, I have a pair of them in a 58 and they are constantly picking over a jaw fish burrow, sometimes even touching it, and there haven't been any problems.


They will be aggressive towards other shrimp, but they often do not share the same habitat as them. At night, I don't know that they are necessarily out to hunt fish and shrimp, but rather search for worms and small pods.


In the past, I have kept them with fire shrimp, cleaners, and peppermints, without any problems. They don't even pick on hermit crabs and snails as some other shrimp might do. As far as getting a pair, if you see two that aren't fighting with each other, they're paired. If you can't, when you see a couple of legs disappear, you pretty much know you have two of the same gender. They can regenerate their legs and claws, so if you get the wrong one to add to the other, have somewhere else you can put it until it recovers and then try and trade it in for another one.

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