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40g breeder stand

Ryan S

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Talking out loud right now / seeking any advice out there...


Petco is having their $1/gallon sale right now. I was there yesterday and looked at a 40g breeder tank. The dimensions really are awesome, perfect for a small reef tank for an apartment. A 20g long would fit underneath for a sump perfectly as well. Then again, if I skipped drilling the 40b and sump, I could just do a 40b with something like a 36" current usa nova extreme pro (6x39w T5) on legs, no canopy, a marineland emperor 400 on the back, and that would look nice? And if I kept up with weekly 10% water changes, I wouldn't need a sump?


If I could make the stand and canopy, I would've brought them home, and got back into the hobby, but I just don't have the confidence in my wood-working skills to make something that would look nice (and be perfectly level). I have found various websites and DIY posts, and while I think I could make the 2x4 stand pretty well, it's the exterior that I don't think I could make look nice.


I went to a few pet stores in arlington yesterday, and none of them had 40g breeder stands for sale. Or canopies for that matter. Do any of our WAMAS stores carry them? Are they expensive?


Does anyone here do woodwork on the side for fun/hobby/cash?


Advice: How would you setup a 40g breeder tank? Home-made stand? Sump? Lighting? Canopy?




Edited by Ryan S
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Does anyone here do woodwork on the side for fun/hobby/cash?



YBeNormal (our former membership director) did a lot of woodwork before life got really busy for him. He seems to be getting better ownership of his schedule, though, recently. You might approach him (via PM) to see if he's got time to help you out.

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