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ASM skimmer question


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What is the optimal depth for the skimmer to be run at in the sump? Not sure what version it is, it's for a tank the I maintain for a friend.

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I currently having it running at 8" depth. The foam head is just at the top of the neck and the adjustment tube is all the way up. I cant seem for the life of me to get the bubbles to push up the neck into the collection cup.

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Have you checked the impeller? They seem to damage easily if something comes in contact with them.


You could try easing the water level an inch.


I personally have never owned one, but have just tinkered with a few.

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the skimmer is pretty jacked up. I have told them that they might need to replace it, i am just trying to keep them from having to spend some cash at the moment. we will see how long it will last.



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IME, ASMs have a few days break in period when they're new, just been cleaned or have sat dry for a while. Also they perform better in less water than in more so I would suggest raising it an inch at a time on an eggcrate platform with lengths of pvc pipe for legs after you've given it four days to a week for break in. I also second what the previous poster said about checking the impeller to make sure you're getting full performance. As much as I like the ASMs, those sedra pumps suck. HTH.

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With my mini-g, I have to clean out the parts in front of the skimmer pump every time I empty the cup. If I don't do that, the performance is like what you are describing.


The stand pipe is up to the bottom of the collection cup. That's been that way since I got it.


Also, depending on how old the skimmer is, some of the parts may have come unglued. Some super glue will fix that. Mine is about 5 years old now and im still using the original pump. It sits in about 10" of water.

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