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My grouper died.....


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Well, guys. I had this fish forever but it died today. It's probably pretty close to 16" in size. I can't tell what it died of so it might be just old age and not a disease or anything. I got it out of the tank as soon as I saw it had actually died. It was breathing hard for a while so I had isolated it in QT. Does anyone think it will be ok to fillet and panfry this fish? I mean I ate a lot of grouper last weekend when I was visiting my parents and it's a really taste fish. The fish is already dead so I wouldn't be actively killed. Also, I'm pretty sure about the safety of consumption based on what it was being fed. Any ideas?

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Your a MAN to my own heart...try a little butter!

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That's and iffy question. Personally I don't feel comfortable eating something that just died vs. me killing it myself. My only suggestion would be to make sure it is cooked throughly.


Did anyone say Percula Fish Sticks??????




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Steve, this is a classic question :D I personally would not eat it cause it my have died from a disease or someother unknown cause and personally I would not want to chance it. I will catch you a trout and send it your way if you spare the grouper ;)

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I suppose the fact that it died does present a bit of a problem. I'm still tempted - for that matter I think my cat really wants me to cook some fish tonight. I got Salmon in the freezer....but grouper is soooo good.


If I were to cook it, any suggestion on favor/style? I typically make cajun style or a lemon/garlic broiled fish. I think grouper is best fried - at least when I've had it before.

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Guest D33rex

I say go for it, Im sure he'd have wanted it this way...haha.

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Dont do it.


When you kill it, you eat it.


But find it dead, leave it.


Same reason you don't eat calms that don't pop open when cooked, or pop open too easy when raw.

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Well, I figured I should come clean. It's April 1st and frankly I decided making myself look like an idiot or hick to get a reaction was better than my other idea. The alternative was sending everyone in the group order an e-mail saying that the order was cancelled, they weren't getting their money back, and that I had moved. Alas, I think RC's little Tank of the Month scam got a better reaction.

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Good one, I was hoping you didn't eat it , cause I am interested in your 58 gallon oceanic, and didn't want to hear that you died!!!! lol I was wondering about the RC TOTM thing, never dawned on me April fools. Man I'm losing it in my old age.

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Guest reverai

>I can't tell what it died of so it might be just old age and not a disease or anything<


I doubt that as groupers can live 50 years plus in the big tanks so I doubt yours died of old age...:-)



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