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Cyano in my refugium


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So, the new refugium on my 120 has been running for several months and still the only thing that will grow in there is cyano.


Caulerpa: dead


Chaeto: shrinking, certainly not growing, covered in cyano


gracilaria: shrinking, also covered in cyano


I have stopped running GFO and carbon. (Just want to stop GFO but it's a dual reactor, waiting to clean out GFO)


There is a little bit of cyano in the display tank but I recently increased the flow and that has mostly subsided. No algae issue in DT.

5100 K Light bulb was replaced 6/20.

Refugium lights run at night.


Any idea why cyano would grow but no other alage?


Before I replaced the sump, I had caulerpa growing like crazy.






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I would cut the light off on the fuge until all the cyano is gone. Then try again with some macro's. What snails/crabs are in your fuge? I like ceriths and nassarius A LOT!


If your display is fine, I am sure it will go away.

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