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Protein skimmer solution


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Hello Everyone,


What preventative measures does the group recommend to prevent a skimmer overflow? I've only had the skimmer running for a few days, and all was well. I had a good skimmate being produced at a reasonable rate. Well, I learned two things yesterday:


1) Power failures (i.e., unplugging the skimmer) produces a ton of small bubbles to overflow the skim cup when it starts back up

2) Freshly mixed salt water produces a major amount of small bubbles to overflow the skim cup


I didn't know about the fresh salt water problem until after it flooded my 1/2 gallon skim container. There was a little flood in my stand, but it wasn't that bad; however, this caused major concerns.


What happens if the power goes out, and I'm not home when it restarts? The ATO will start pumping when the water level drops. So...worse case scenario: my salinity drops way too fast, stand floods, and tunze topoff pump burns out.


What preventative measures are there? Should I only use the skim cup so if the skimmer does malfunction the overflow goes back into the sump? I really like the idea of having a drain in the skimmer cup for easy maintenance, but the idea of another flood scares me. Hmm...maybe I can have the external skimmer cup sit above the sump to overflow back into the sump. What happens if all the skimmed skimmate goes back into the water?





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Depending on how complicated you would like to bet- there are a number of solutions. I prefer the simplest solutions. It sounds like you have a catch can that is placed out side your sump and from your post it is probably on the room's floor. How about remove your catch can? You could also put the catch can in the sump if applicable.


You could also get into more complicated solutions like set up a float switchin your catch can that turns the skimmer off when it is triggered. I prefer simple solutions though..

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Should I only use the skim cup so if the skimmer does malfunction the overflow goes back into the sump?

That sounds like the safe method.


Hmm...maybe I can have the external skimmer cup sit above the sump to overflow back into the sump. What happens if all the skimmed skimmate goes back into the water?

Another, a good idea.


I had an old skimmer that would overflow just like yours and it never hurt my tank when it overflowed into the sump. Once the skimmer was adjusted it would remove the stuff again. It is still better then a flood followed by dropping SG.


Do you have a gate or ball valve on the skimmer? Most skimmers that overflow have a gate/ball valve on them. That is why I prefer the ASM or Euroreef vertical slide design without a valve.


Some skimmers overflow because the water level in the sump is higher when the power comes back on. Once the level in the sump drops the skimmer works as it was originally setup. To correct that I added a time delay relay onto my skimmer. It would wait until the power was on for a minute or two before starting the skimmer.


Here is the old DIY thread.

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Also, a float switch in your skimmate bucket connected to a relay works too. Bucket fills up, opens relay (normally closed) and cuts power to skimmer pump. I have this connected to my AC3 and it sends me a text when the skimmer bucket is full. It has saved me countless times, and is so reliable (knock on wood) that I count on it to remind me when to empty the bucket. I will write up a DIY plan soon if desired.

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Thanks for all the quick responses.


Dave, I tried the delayed start idea, and there still appears to be too much force when the MJ1200 fires back up.


I need to find something to place in the sump or on top of the sump... I'll keep you guys posted.



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Dave, I was too quick in my response. I tried a longer delay, and it seems to be okay. I think I may get a plug for the skim cup hose and open it to drain the cup. That will prevent future floods. How difficult was it to make your delay Dave? I would need to attach it to the MJ PH.



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Also, a float switch in your skimmate bucket connected to a relay works too. Bucket fills up, opens relay (normally closed) and cuts power to skimmer pump. I have this connected to my AC3 and it sends me a text when the skimmer bucket is full. It has saved me countless times, and is so reliable (knock on wood) that I count on it to remind me when to empty the bucket. I will write up a DIY plan soon if desired.


Please do! My GSA cone skimmer is great - except that if I turn off the return pump, and don't remember to turn off the skimmer.... I end up with a sump that looks like a bubble bath!



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