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Tank cleaning

paul b

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Today it is snowing and I have to stay home to wait for someone so I decided to clean and re aquascape the tank. No matter how nice you aquascape, in a couple of years the rocks tend to fall and fill in places that you would like to be kept clear. Out of my 4 diatom filters I managed to switch parts and get two of them working.

I removed about a third of the corals and rock and am stirring up the gravel on that half of the tank. I don't like to do this with the bluestripped pipefish in there because I always lose them when I do this. Maybe they can't breathe with all the detritus floating around. The tank looks like Half Na Half right now but I am trying to do a little at a time just for those pipefish. It is a lot easier and much quicker if I could just stir everything at once.

I run a Reverse UG filter so I can and have to clean and re juvinate the system every few years. This is not a major cleaning, those I do every 25 years weather it needs it or not.

I do this piece meal and it is almost as good. When it is all back together it will be clean and the corals and fish will be "happy" Now, not so much.

This maintenance is needed to insure complete water circulation through the gravel and I also powerwash the pores in the rocks. My homemade rocks are hollow and they fill with sediment



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Well I had a bit of a disaster while I was maintaining. This large giant mushrom was attached to the two largest rocks in the tank which I did not know. One rock fell and tore a nice chunk out of the bottom of the coral. He is not happy and I hope it heals.

It took years for me to get it to that size.



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wow,that shroom must be at least 8-9 inches


It's closer to 12", I really hope it heals because it is the centerpiece of the tank and I could not afford one that size. I have another one that is about 6" across that grew from a tiny one but this one is my favorite.

I will put on some soft music and sing to him, that should do it :rolleyes:

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You guys are getting me in the mood. Being it's snowing like the North Pole here now, I am going to light a nice fire and relax with a smooth fine cognac.

The fish can get their own drinks :happy:

So I can't take a decent picture




Looks like the same visability as the Long Island Sound



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