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Bicolor Dotty with Sexies


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So my 3 gallon pico is coming along nicely, and I just added a bicolor dottyback. Love the colors in a pico filled with zoas, rics and mushrooms with black sand. My original plan was to have sexy shrimp in the tank as well, but I'm not familiar enough with dottybacks to know if the shrimp will be safe? I know that dottybacks can be (well, WILL be) aggressive with new fish, but don't know how they are with small ornamental inverts. Does anybody have experience with them?

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Yay! You got the pico up and running. Please post pics.


Bi-color psuedochromis are known to eat ornamental shrimp. I would think even more so in a pico.

I did a search "will bicolor dottyback eat sexy shrimp" Saw several threads on nano-reef, wetwebmedia, saltwaterfish.com, etc.. all pretty much say the same thing.


I've got more shrooms for you too...


So my 3 gallon pico is coming along nicely, and I just added a bicolor dottyback. Love the colors in a pico filled with zoas, rics and mushrooms with black sand. My original plan was to have sexy shrimp in the tank as well, but I'm not familiar enough with dottybacks to know if the shrimp will be safe? I know that dottybacks can be (well, WILL be) aggressive with new fish, but don't know how they are with small ornamental inverts. Does anybody have experience with them?
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Yea on the 'shrooms!


Poop on the dottyback answer. :sad: Glad I checked, though. Guess I'll go with the original plan and put the sexies in the 12 gallon when John finds some. Dottyback is just too cool in the pico to move him!


I'll get some pics and start a thread - thanks for reminding me!

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Hmmmm. John came through with my sexies so now I have to make a decision. Would I be a raving idiot to put the dottyback in a 90g full of fish? Or would he probably behave as the newcomer? I also have a 24g full of fish and the 12g with a trio of trimmas...........

Edited by Hilary
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Since nobody was impolite enough to say I'd be an idiot to put the dotty in my 90g, it's going back to the LFS this weekend. That means the little pico will have the zoas, 'shrooms and rics along with a band of sexy shrimp and two neon gobies - a blue and a gold. Done - decision made. I just don't trust that the sexies won't disappear in the big bad 12 gallon with the mystery predator.


I'll take a picture of the tank once the floating prison (breeding container) is removed.

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Hil, I put a purple dottyback in my 90 and he's fine. Doesn't get picked on and doesn't really chase anyone, except for a short dart when one of the other fish invade the area he likes to relax in.

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