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Hurt coral


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Had my first turbo snail incident last night.


I hadn't figured out a spot for my new frag of green slimer yet, and one of the turbos knocked it loose and into a head of frog spawn.


For the most part the frag is ok, but there are a few "bleached" spots.



Is this something that the slimer could repair, or will there be permanent white areas?




Thanks for your input.



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that is why i gave away my turbo snails. those *** were always knocking down my frags...

Edited by davelin315
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It will be fine in time, I had a similar problem, placed some frogspawn a bit too close to an orange digi. The frogspawn stung the heck out of the tips and turned them white, but now they are well on their way to recovering.

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Keep it in flow, not to high, and watch it. It will either start to heal or it will develop RTN. Healing will take a while. You should start to see some growth in about 5-7 days.

RTN will start to spread sooner if it goes in that direction.


I have a pocillopora that has fallen into anemones, frogspawn and plate coral on 3 different occasions. Each time there is a large section that has turned pure white. Each time that I've found it in another coral I take it out and hold it over a powerhead to get all the slime off of it. Then place it in an area of moderate to high flow until I see growth. It has recovered every time. Yes, those son of a gun snails keep knocking it over.

put it in high

Had my first turbo snail incident last night.


I hadn't figured out a spot for my new frag of green slimer yet, and one of the turbos knocked it loose and into a head of frog spawn.


For the most part the frag is ok, but there are a few "bleached" spots.



Is this something that the slimer could repair, or will there be permanent white areas?




Thanks for your input.



Edited by Jan
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Might live, might die - corals are tricky things. I've had the slightest sting RTN a large colony, and I've had severe sting damage heal right up. Good luck!



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