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Coral ID?


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What are your thoughts on what this species of coral is?






Edited by OUsnakebyte
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My guess would be either an alveopora or goniopora..

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Very pretty. Looks like Goniopora/Flowerpot coral. Green is supposed to be the most difficult to keep.I think Alveopora has thicker tentacles.


What are your thoughts on what this species of coral is?






Edited by Jan
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Doesn't Goniopora have 12 tentacles and Alveopora has 16? something like that...




Alveopora has 12 Goniopora has 24 tentacles.

Edited by lhcorals
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Where was that taken? Aren't you supposed to be collecting coral gametes right now?


Ahhh.... good question. I am in Puerto Rico right now. I was out tagging palmata colonies when I took that pic - right off the reef crest about 25-30 feet down. Of course it immediately caught my eye - thinking that it looked eerily similar to goniopora. I went back in to show Eric, and he also thought that did not belong there.


So, we went back out to find it, disturbed it, and found it was this:




Not goniopora, but porites. And it makes sense b/c, as Eric pointed out, they are in the same family. However, neither of us had ever seen porites with its polyps extended out that far. But, where that colony was there was a bunch of particulate matter in the water, and it must have been loving all the feeding going on.


Very interesting.




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Hey Mike, I had a porites colony that extended its polyps about 1-1.5cm when it was out in the middle of the day. That sure did look like alveopora, although after you saying what it was, I'm assuming that the scale is not what it appears to be.

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