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Skimmer Mesh Mod


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Has anyone had any luck making their own mesh mod for their skimmer? Was the method below used? Any other methods? Just wondering if it is worth a try.


1) Remove impeller

2) Remove ALL needles from impeller disc with dremel or razor blade.

3) Drill a half dozen holes in the impeller disc.

4) Cut desired mesh material into a square a bit bigger than the disc.

5) Make a hole in the middle of the mesh for the bearing and shaft.

6) Take some fishing line and sew the square of mesh material to impeller disc using the holes you just drilled.

7) Trim the mesh with scissors until it fits "nice and clean" with no rubbing on the inside of the volute, but as close as you can get to it. it will take a few trims to get it good. this is the most important step.

8) Re-assemble the pump and hook it back up to the skimmer.

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I also heard something about using a larger airline hose to increase the air intake. Is this true?

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Make sure you keeo it as balanced as possible or you'll spin it out.

I moded one for a friend and used 2 small zip ties on either side of the impeller after evenly removing several fins.

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done it many a time on diffrent skimmers works like a charm, don't cut off all the pins though you need something to wire tie the mesh to.

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