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New refugium setup

Guest Kimo

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Guest Kimo

Hey everyone -


I'm planning on turning my 58 gallon tank into a refugium for my 180.


The 58 is in the garage, while the tank is in the basement.  I would have to put a hole in the wall and run some PVC out to the garage to hook up to the 58.  This shouldn't be a problem, but what size should I use for the overflow?  Would 1" be ok?  I don't plan on coming anywhere near the maximum flow of the overflow.  


The tank is already super-alive.  I have had it set up in its current location for a year and in annandale for 2.  The sand is full of worms and there are SO MANY pods in the tank.  After I remove the live rock that's going in my main tank I'll probably just let the tank sit for a while (with circulation of course) and prepare to hook it up to the main tank.  


I do want to change most of the water in the 58 before I connect it - The phosphate is absolutely OUT OF CONTROL!!  Hopefully some 20%-50% water changes will fix that.


My plan is to set up the plumbing, and leave it disconnected for now.  I will attach it to the sand of my 180 and to the studs in the utility closet it will run through, and then attach it to a ball valve and a union in the garage.  Then when it is time to hook it up I'll just attach the overflow to the union and away I go.




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Guest Kimo

Some concerns -


WIll the overflow provide sufficent backpressure to push the water to the sump, even with multiple 90 deg bends?  Should I use 1.5" pvc?  I have some left over and could probably pull it off.


Would PCs be ok for a tank that size? (does anyone have some for sale/trade?)  I'm just going to keep algae.


Would the temp of the 180 it is connected to be affected very much during the summer?  I'm not worried about the winter - It's easier to heat than cool a tank.  Is this just a bad idea?


Will keeping cars in the garage hurt my tank?  Should I just forgoe the idea all together?





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Jamie, I just finished setting up a Refugium in the utility room for my 180 (with future tie in to other tanks) using a 100 gal stock tank and 1 1/2" PVC from the tank and 3/4" from the Refugium. Mine is a 30' run and uses a 70 Iwaki pump. No problem with water flow / backpressure - refugium is below bottom of tank level - with tees, ball valves, etc... However, overflows are at capacity with the pump wide open. If you want to see it next time you go to TRT let me know as I am only 5 minutes away. It might help you design yours. It has produced a lot of benefits and to this point no drawbacks.


As to your using the garage and potential summer heat problems, if you can stand the electric bills a chiller out there might work ok. Also, to reduce exposure to summer heat/winter cold & car flumes could you frame it in to it's own little mini insulated room/box?


Bottom line is from my limited experience you should try to work something out to include a good size Refugium for the 180.



a.k.a. EZTimes

(703) 732-1448 cell :p

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