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Is mixing various salt mixes for use in same tank dangerous?


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I've started my tank with Instant Ocean. Someone gave me a half filled 200 mix bucket of Oceanic Sea Salt. I'm running out of the Instant Ocean and I was wondering if there would be any harm in mixing the two?

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I would say it isn't the best idea, but I dont think you will do any harm. If you have some delicate corals you they might not like the change but otherwise I think you should be okay. In the future if the same situation comes up, I would have probbably mixed a bit of each to make them all last longer and then when you switch over it wouldn't be a complete change. a bit late for that idea though.

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It would be an easier transition if you mixed the salt batches together before adding water. This way, there would be less of a drastic change between the compositions of the different salt mixes.

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I recently switched from IO to seachem's reef salt......due to my tanks continuous low ph values.....and after trying all other remdies etc etc etc....i switched aNd i do seem to have higher values now.....i started slowly 1 gallon at a time....and nothing has been hurt ......


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Please explain what drastic change would occur.

I'm only trying to say that because all salt mixes are created with different amounts of major and minor trace elements, that by dry mixing 2 different salt mixes together would result in a more equal blend of elements.

For example Reef Crystals has significantly higher amounts of calcium than regular I/O. If you were primarily using the former and switched to the latter, there would be only a slightly lower amount of calcium being added as opposed to significantly less being added.

I believe most people stick to one brand to avoid "drastic" changes in trace elements and most of us like stability.

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Okay so what I've gotten out of all of this is that it's best and safest to mix the two salt mixes and then make the solution for the tank.


WAMAS is the best! I'm very happy that I've joined. I've gotten fast feedback and good logical advice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

oceanic dissolves a lot better than io. i used to use that and switched to io and i hate it. what is up with all the different chunks of stuff in there. fish and corals dont seem to mind it though. i mixed them together like that too at first though.

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Okay so what I've gotten out of all of this is that it's best and safest to mix the two salt mixes and then make the solution for the tank.


WAMAS is the best! I'm very happy that I've joined. I've gotten fast feedback and good logical advice.


You only need one product, if you are going to change you should mix them during the change. You do not need to mix two products all the time.

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You only need one product, if you are going to change you should mix them during the change. You do not need to mix two products all the time.


That's exactly what I did. Thanks Lawnboy

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