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Derasa clam question.

Highland Reefer

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I have a nice Derasa clam & it seems to be quite content and healthy. I have noticed that out of the long siphon tube it will secrete a long stringy substance that will extend up several inches and remain attached to the siphon tube. Then it will slowly suck this long string back in and will let it go back out. What is this?

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I believe, and I may be wrong, but many first time octo owners will bring this up as happening with their octo, they blow it out of their syphon and it ocationally gets sucked back in creating a sort of loop around them... since both clams and octo's are mollusc's, I would guess this is the same. It's poop.

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If my knowledge of marine biology serves me

Correctly, they do that to capture planktonic prey since they are filter feeders...

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