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New Tank Setup


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I'm planning to setup two 30g Oceanic "cube" tanks side by side with a common sump so that I can keep both a reef tank with smaller fish (think clown gobies and similarly sized folks) and a tank for some less reef/small fish friendly fish including possibly a very small triggerfish if I can get one (although I'd probably toss some softies into this tank). Initially, I'm planning to toss a Sunpod 150w on each tank but in the long run I'm planning to use a better light over the true "reef" either a 250w double ended pendant or perhaps a 400w SE pendant with 64w of actinics. I always assumed I'd be using a lower intensity light over the other tank. As I was sketching out the plumbing yesterday, it dawned on me that two tanks immediately next two each other with different lighting might look a little strange. I was thinking of going open top but that would almost dictate identical pendants.


Looking for some input or suggestions. I'm open to anything.




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Any trigger you put in a 30gal tank will outgrow that tank in no time. I personally would just go with one larger tank, but that's me. I've seen people do the multiple small tanks type of setup, and just about everyone ends up consolidating to one larger tank eventually.


I would also reconsider the 400watt halide over a tank that small. You'd have some serious overheating issues.

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Any trigger you put in a 30gal tank will outgrow that tank in no time. I personally would just go with one larger tank, but that's me. I've seen people do the multiple small tanks type of setup, and just about everyone ends up consolidating to one larger tank eventually.


I would also reconsider the 400watt halide over a tank that small. You'd have some serious overheating issues.


Multiple tanks is a virtual necessity to me because of the species I'd like to keep. One larger tank isn't really an option at this point. Otherwise I'd be looking for a 120g-180g but that's the plan for the future. Probably somewhere around 2 years from now.


It's my experience that some triggers grow slower than others and a trigger between 1-2" at purchase should be good for at least 18 months. I'd probably find him a new home at that point. I certainly recognize the concern though - this is probably the most uncertain aspect of the upgrade plan.


I'm not even remotely committed to the 400w - it's why I'm asking for some feedback on the visual with two tanks with different lighting needs. I'm most inclined to go with two 250w pendants but i hate to waste energy and 250w over softies and live rock is overkill. Although, in my opinion, a 400w Halide over about 95 gallons - total system volume isn't likely to overheat the tank - lots of heat exchange in the setup. The ambient temperature is around 64 degrees in the room.

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I believe you've seen my set-up. I use the 464 w fixture over an open top 40. No heat issues- I need a heater!

On the 150 maintenance tank, There is a 150w 20k fixture right next to a 400w 14k with very little difference in light color. If you'd like to check it out for yourself, go to Active Family Chiropractic in Reston.

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I agree with James (and not just because he's the man). EDIT (apparently one of the mods didn't like my original post in which I said, "I agree with James (and not just because he's cute)) Silly mods, a guy can't help it that he's good looking.

I didn't look up the specs for the 30g oceanic cube. That being said I doubt it's 24" wide so T5 *probably* won't be a consideration. You'll probably be looking at halides or pcs. I'm not a fan of pc lighting, but it does have applications. Assuming halides, will you be building a canopy or looking for a pendant? I'm not too familiar with all of the different pendant, I just know there are nice ones out there. 150w would be more than enough, but you will be limited in lamp choices. You could do 175w, though the only lamp I would recommend there would be the Iwasaki 14k (can be labeled as 14k or 15k). Par monster and good color to boot. For 250w I would do mogul lamps where you would have the most options available. What I wouldn't do is 250w DE (generally speaking, too much par and electricity), and I can't think of a single application when I would put 400w over a 30g tank.



Edited by gastone
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