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I received my three MP40W powerheads on Tuesday.


I installed them last night.


I wrote to customer service this afternoon.


Two of them are working fine - one master, one slave...


The third one seems to NOT be communicating with the other two. Either as a master OR as a slave. I only once got it to even acknowledge that it was a slave - and that was holding it right on top of the master when I pushed the button. It's like the radio doesn't have an antenna. 1" away gives me the red/blue code for 'too far away'.


Any ideas, suggestions?? While it took me 10 tries to get everything set up right - it seems pretty straightforward in the instructions.



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For some reason I was under the impression you could choose the 2nd, 3rd etc units to be either master OR slave, and then if there are 2 masters, following units could choose which to be a slave to.




Did you get the battery backups?

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For some reason I was under the impression you could choose the 2nd, 3rd etc units to be either master OR slave, and then if there are 2 masters, following units could choose which to be a slave to.




Did you get the battery backups?


You can make multiple 'groups' of master-slave-slave-slave, but with three you can only choose master-slave-slave, or master-slave, and a "master" in its own group. (or three 'masters' not telling each other anything.)


My problem is that one of the units won't act as either a master or a slave. It doesn't listen to anyone, and nobody listens to it. If I try to set it up as a slave, I get red/blue flashing - which indicates the unit is too far away from the master. Even if it's only an inch away. And if I make it the master, the other two both get red/blue - indicating they are too far away. It's like the one unit doesn't have a radio inside, or the antenna broke off.


I described the symptoms to ecotech - they said to send it back. It will be in today's mail.



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