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can someone teach how to start up growin coraline algae

Guest Maynard

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Guest Maynard

sup guys....havent been in this wamas forum in like weeks....anyway...can someone tell me how to grow coraline algae? is there any chemicals i need....water parameters?



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If you started off with base rock only, you might want to get some LR rubble or some coraline scrapings from someone. Otherwise, maintain pH, Alk and Ca, add lighting and a heaping dose of patience. The coraline will grow.

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Guest Maynard

my tank is 120...i have a corallife light...its pretty decent...has a blue light and a regular light....and at night i time it to lunar light

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Guest Maynard

How long has it been set up and what are your water parameters?


man my tank was up since last year of MAY......i had all kinds of fish....trigger,nemo,dori all of that i even had some bubble anenome...util winter hit...i was lazy to clean it...everyone died except my 2 damsels....one of em is a soldier....i call him RAMBO!!!! cuz he winstand all that trouble water....after that i re clean my tank....now its new....new water everything...

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I would also suspect it could be a calcium issue.


When I was snorkeling in Hanauma Bay ten years ago, I picked up a brilliant porous white rock, and when I started my tank back in March, I decided to drop it in.* Within a week of adding some LR with coralline on it, my white rock turned gradually red, but the rest of the tank did not, so I knew that at least I had 'seeded' the tank.


Anyway, I started dripping this Kalk+ stuff a couple of weeks ago, and I now have several dime-sized spots of the stuff on my back glass near my airstone (doing this to keep it aerated in a closed cabinet).


Logged observations (YMMV):


1.) Calcium made a difference. Observed my white calc-based rock turn beet red as soon as my tank had finished cycling, so I started some really rudimentary Ca dripping with marked results.


2.) Water quality made a difference. I was having a slight issue with nitrates and I couldn't figure out the source, until I took my powerhead apart one weekend and observed that it had a copious amount of brine shrimp that was stuck and rotting in there (as a side note, this also explained why my Nassarius snails were constantly out of the sand :))


3.) Flow/O2 seems to make a difference. My biggest growth is around where my airstone and the current from my powerhead intersect.



* Avoid putting things you've found from the ocean into your tank - especially carbonaceous or porous in nature - unless you want to run the risk of poisoning your tank. I was (unknowningly, at the time) potentially putting a sponge filled with trace amounts of heavy metals into my tank.

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