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2 questions Please


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Ok I got the  150 from Scott and I took it out this past weekend to clean it out and prepare to reseal it. I havent taking the caulk off of it yet. Now since i was about a 1/3 full of water to help clean it I didnt get a chance to empty it and bring it back in. now from the weather the water has a 2" sheet of ice and water underneath. Is this going to affect the tank any. I figured I was gonna reseal it anyway so if it lifted the caulk off the tank then theres no problem. Just checking to see if anyone has accidentally left there tanks outside and had any ill effects?



Also, Just curious if anyone has an Extra LR they are looking to get rid of before I drop 4 bills on Dr mac. If so let me know what you have and price.


Thanks again



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I'm no chemist or phish-a-sist but as I recall, when water freezes, it expands.  Maybe it's the bubbles or something.  That's what causes potholes.  I don't think the added pressure would effect your tank but it came to my mind.
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Larry is right about the ice expanding.  Water expands when hot like most liquids but also expands once it drops below about 36F until it freezes.  Check the corners and see if they are pushed apart any from the pressure.  If not then you should be alright and LUCKY.   :D


Use caution removing the ice since glass seems to break easy when cold and don't put any hot water in it to try to melt the ice.

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lol. I know about the expanding and the cold glass hot water. ive had many of waitresses at my last job rinse a fresh brewed pot of coffee out under ice cold water. BURST!


I guess i should fill it up outside to see if it leaks at all first instead of testing it inside.


Thanks guys,



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Check it real well and probably give it a leak test again.  It should be warm this weekend, which will help.  


I will have some rock, maybe 15-30 lbs or so, straight from my tank.  Will likely have some coral remnants attached, sponge growth, etc.  I will know better after I do the move in 2 weekends it would be available.  One big caveat- a few aptasia.  I think I may isolate it with a bunch of peppermints.  There are not a lot of them (like plague proportions), but I haven't been able to shake them as my fish have taken a liking to the shrimp.

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Guest Scott324



I just brought a 10 gallon that has been outside for a long time.  No problems at all.  It seems that as long as the tank is not a closed container (creating pressure), the expanding/contracting ice shouldn't cause a problem, only if the water got in the silicone, but if you are planning on resealing anyway, then you should be good to go.  Good luck!

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Scott, that was my assumption, thats as long as the water didnt get behind the silicone I hope Im fine. But im resealing anyway.



Michael, Let me know when your ready with that rock. Im ordering Dr macs 88lb box and would still like to get about 60lbs more so everything will help. Also letme know what youd like for it. Dont worry about the aptasia, I got plenty of needles and hot water!!!



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There is a guy that posted here or in the cmas site (can't remember which right now) a few days ago selling some LR. Here is his e-mail. I was going to buy it, but I couldn't find the time to meet him and he wants to get rid of it before the weekend is over. It was pretty cheap.





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I wrote him and he told me it was spoken for,, Where you the buyer? He was suppose to let me know if the deal fell through. Ill see if he still has it.



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