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bAKING Soda for Cal and Alk supplement


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Hey Everyone...Happy Thursday! Unless ur me and found 2 inches of rain in your car b/c of a open sunroof...sighs




I've been reading around the RC forum and found that some ppl use baking soda vs 2 part B-ionic as a cal and alk supplement. Has anybody else try this with success? How much should you add to your tank?

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Hey Everyone...Happy Thursday! Unless ur me and found 2 inches of rain in your car b/c of a open sunroof...sighs




I've been reading around the RC forum and found that some ppl use baking soda vs 2 part B-ionic as a cal and alk supplement. Has anybody else try this with success? How much should you add to your tank?



Here's a link for the improved two parts system.




I used to use the two parts, but have not done so since I started using the Kalk stirrer. I still keep the two parts in case if my calcium and alkalinity is out of balance.



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Follow the Randy Holmes instructions. ALK is Arm & Hammer baking soda and CA is Calcium cloride. Go to www.twopartsolution.com to buy them all at once in stead of one item at a time. I make my own and so far it is working great.


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Here's a link for the improved two parts system.




I used to use the two parts, but have not done so since I started using the Kalk stirrer. I still keep the two parts in case if my calcium and alkalinity is out of balance.




Good Lord that seems like a lot of work. I thought it would be something simple like add 2 tablesppon of baking soda to the tank every other day.


thanks for the info!

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Good Lord that seems like a lot of work. I thought it would be something simple like add 2 tablesppon of baking soda to the tank every other day.


thanks for the info!





It's not as bad as it seems. You can also use clean, empty milk carton to hold it. Depending on the size of your tank, one gallon of each should last you quite a while.



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the hardest part is finding how much supplement u need to keep up with tank demand. mixing is pretty simple. i use hawaiian punch bottles since they have colored tops so i know which is which. because of my ph i bake the baking soda first. i also use the magnesium part to keep that up as low magnesium will affect cal and alk uptake and will slightly hamper corraline growth. once you mix the supplements and figure out how much you need it is that simple. i pour in half of a cup of ca and alk each morn on top of dosing kalk through a reactor. once you need more ca and alk then your reactor can provide you can use the 2 part to supplement. though the 2 part will provide more ca and alk.

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I have a Kalkstirrer to supplement my calcium , but I have chronically low alkalinity. Until I manage to find the money for a calcium reactor setup, I am adding bakind soda to my tank on a regular basis to keep the alk up. I just use a 1 liter juice bottle with RO water, and added a box of baking soda. I add dash each day, and it keeps my alk at 9.8 where I like it.


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Hey Everyone...Happy Thursday! Unless ur me and found 2 inches of rain in your car b/c of a open sunroof...sighs




I've been reading around the RC forum and found that some ppl use baking soda vs 2 part B-ionic as a cal and alk supplement. Has anybody else try this with success? How much should you add to your tank?



I somehow managed to miss that part about your sunroof being open and having 2" of water in your car. Sorry to hear that. I'm paranoid of that happening to me that I open my sunroof maybe two or three times a year and that's it.



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I somehow managed to miss that part about your sunroof being open and having 2" of water in your car. Sorry to hear that. I'm paranoid of that happening to me that I open my sunroof maybe two or three times a year and that's it.




I was feeling very adventerous on Tuesday evening. Sadly I didnt realize the sunroof has been open since then so now my car is all wet and smells funny... :*( my poor baby

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I used the Randy Holmes 2-part calc and alk recipe for several months with much success. Very easy and cost effective method to dose calcium, alk, and magnesium to your tank. Just make sure you measure pH, calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium levels before using to determine if you are going to use recipe 1 or 2. Also, once you start dosing, pay close attention to alk levels more so than calcium since it has a tendency of fluctuating more.


Hopefully, we'll get some rainless weather so you can dry out your car ;)

Edited by zoozilla
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Other than alk, cal and mag is it necessary to dose for stronium, brontium, and iodine? Excuse the spelling HS was such a long time ago :)


Yea the car seats are still wet. I am thinking I have to get it professionally clean. (sighs) Anybody know of any reputable place?

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randy holmes farley wrote an article on reefkeeping.com about which supplements are worth dosing. http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2007-04/rhf/index.php. it talks about how iodine is not necessary to dose. also another thing to look at if you grow macroalgae is to look at what he says about iron. i dose it and my algae does great.

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