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Let's talk Parameters

Mystical Lady

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I knew I should have listen during Chemistry :drink:

I want to know if my parameters are OK.... I researched online but depending on who you ask... it seems there are differences on where some of the parameters should be so I need to know if what I show is good... I am testing with Salifert kits and are all new kits. I am not having any problems within my tank at this point. no algae problems, fish in good health.... I just want to be prepared if you think something is too low.... I also don't have an ALK test kit yet(it is coming in the mail this week) ...... the Ca is my main concern, is it too low? and is the lowness caused by starting up the PhosBan Reactor 150? How do I make the Ca rise? I been adding 'Reef Calcium by SeaChem' but it doesn't make it rise( only gets up to 360(PM reading) then it falls back to 340(Morning reading). Suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!!!!!



PH 8.2

Calcium 340-360

Alk ? ( what should it be?)

Salinity 1.025

Temp 77.4

Phosphate 0

Ammonia 0

Nitrites 0

Nitrates 0

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I knew I should have listen during Chemistry :drink:

I want to know if my parameters are OK.... I researched online but depending on who you ask... it seems there are differences on where some of the parameters should be so I need to know if what I show is good... I am testing with Salifert kits and are all new kits. I am not having any problems within my tank at this point. no algae problems, fish in good health.... I just want to be prepared if you think something is too low.... I also don't have an ALK test kit yet(it is coming in the mail this week) ...... the Ca is my main concern, is it too low? and is the lowness caused by starting up the PhosBan Reactor 150? How do I make the Ca rise? I been adding 'Reef Calcium by SeaChem' but it doesn't make it rise( only gets up to 360(PM reading) then it falls back to 340(Morning reading). Suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!!!!!

PH 8.2

Calcium 340-360

Alk ? ( what should it be?)

Salinity 1.025

Temp 77.4

Phosphate 0

Ammonia 0

Nitrites 0

Nitrates 0


Okay - what you have there is fine. But ALK is probably the most important measurement. ALK also affects your ability to raise your Calcium - which is a little on the low side for SPS, but certainly not a major concern. Is the pH reading during lights-on cycle? It will rise during lights on, and drop during lights-off. Check it just before the lights come on for the day. Try not to let it get below about 7.9 at the lowest.


ALK should be between 3.0-4.0 meq/L, which is about 8-11 dKH (depending on whether your test kit gives it in meq/L or dKH, or both) or 125-200 ppm. You can go higher than that without harm, and in fact as long as you can keep everything balanced, higher numbers will usually result in faster coral growth.


Calcium readings tend to follow your ALK; if your alkalinity is too low, you won't be able to raise your calcium levels.


None of the above comes from my own knowledge of chemistry, but just from things read here and other places on the internet.


Water parameter primer: http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2004-05/rhf/index.php




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i say you look good. Bob is right about ALK but more than likely its at a good range judging by your calcium. ALK is more important than CA IMO

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