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Farewell, Mr Domino Damsel


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Well after trying for a while, I finally captured my Domino Damsel and sent him off to a friend. That fish was the worst thing I did to my tank. He had a bad-attude and was just plain evil. Getting rid of him is the best thing I have done for my tank in a long time. My fish are swimming out in the open more; my fire shrimp has reappeared after 2 mths of not seeing him, and I saw my serpent star as well.


There is joy in the tank once again :wig:

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Guest Undercoverdork

i bet it was a pain to catch him..GOOD JOB!

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way to go!

aren't dominos one of the typically more aggressive types of damsels?

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the cool thing about them is i seen a picture from daphne fautin of a bunch of them hosting in a carpet anemone... i would like to see it in a captive system



this is a pic of some with a porcelain crab...

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I saw this in the wild when I was on my honeymoon in Tahiti. There were tons of them in the anemone which was well over 2' across. I don't believe it was a carpet, though, more likely a long tentacle based on my minimal knowledge.


Traveller7 had a picture of numerous clowns hosting in an anemone from one of his tanks and if you take a look at BRK they have some skunk clowns sharing a small bulb anemone in their invert tanks.

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Guest Undercoverdork

if you take a look at BRK they have some skunk clowns sharing a small bulb anemone in their invert tanks.


i saw this^ in person at BRK on sat. There was like 5+ skunks all sharing the bulb..real neat.

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i have had alot of luck keeping three together 3 clarkii and 3 ocellaris(sp?) i think just getting them when they are young helps...


i could be wrong about the species of anemone cause it was a while back...but i think a domino anemone pairing would be different...i might try it one day...lol

Edited by GaryL
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