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My 75gl Plan!!!


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i have posted this on 3 other sites to get a variety of information but i thought id try my home town as well


so here is my checklist!


55-80gl tank includes stand and/or canopy may include lights - 200-700$ (at LFS)

heater 20$

LS 50-100$

LR 300$ max (any good LR places i was thinking premium aquaics and fosters)

Skimmer 250$ (any suggestions on a skimmer.. i dont know what im looking for)

HO T-5 lights 280$


(approx 1,700)


Live stock

2 small clowns (ocs, percs, or tomatos)

1 tiny hippo tang- (if it is suitable in my tank) other wise a powder brown/blue tang or yellow tang

3 gobies- orange stripe prawn goby/black barred convict goby/gold line goby

1 wrasse (6-line? any other nice ones?)

2 firefish (purple or regular)

1/2 either/or/both coral angel beauty or flame angel


1 pistol shrimp

2 cleaner shrimp

snails- mexican turbo/ trochus/ cerith



approx 290$ according to fosters. mayb more


so approx total around 2000$$


i showed that too my mom and she nearly had a heart attack


im debating the hippo tang

i might get more gobies

any other nice easy fish that i could keep?!


also if i get HO T-5 lights what kind of coral/inverts can that host... is it too weak for anenomes.. i dont need one and prefer not to have one.. and i hear clowns will host in just about anything


btw- i have a 200gl bucket of salt



add food on the list

and more testing supplies


im also trying to see if i can get a deal from my LFS for the tank lights skimmer stand heater for 1,000


Oh and i have a 10gpd RO unit

i bought it for my horses (dwarf seahorses!!)


thank you for reading this extrodinarily LONG post



Edited by toastiireefs
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Buy a preowned set up on the boards here, and you could cut your cost significantly, is my reccomendation. Also go with a system that uses a sump.


Welcome to the club




T5's in the right configuration will give you plenty of light for anything you could want


Watch it with the pistol shrimp it might prey on the others

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thanks yea i was debating whether or not i should use a sump because i dont understand the mechanics of it and everything


does it also help with flow and current in the main tank...??

i know its very beneficial just dont want anything to be toooo hard!!


oooooo bad pistol... hmmmmm is there another shrimp that could be paired with a goby

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i forgot thats what i wanted.. i forgot to add those... i wanted either/or/ both coral beuty angel or flame angel



i was only planning on one tang just these were the one i wanted


here are the tangs i want in order of most prefered


1. hippo (im aware this is prolly not the best)

2. powdered brown tang

3. scopas tang

4. purple tang

5. yellow tang


those are the 5 im interested in

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sure do!


invertabre house is where im at!!! <3 it

it was always my favorite place to go when i went to the zoo when i was little and i have known one of the keepers there since i was 5!

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sooo any comments on what im planning???


which tang should i get


i listed my top five in order... :)

:biggrin: :fish: :scuba: <thats my favorite

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here are the tangs i want in order of most prefered


1. hippo (im aware this is prolly not the best)

2. powdered brown tang

3. scopas tang

4. purple tang

5. yellow tang




Powder Brown




Powder Blue

***Tomini isn't on your list but one of my favorites

***Convict isn't on your list but one of my favorites

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Welcome Sara - I would suggest sending a PM to 143Gadgets......I know he was selling his 75g with stand and canopy for $80. I don't know if it sold yet.


Other than that, just take it slow. A lot can get messed up in this hobby if you try to rush it.



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oh yes i know dont worry..

on my other posts on other forums i explained how i was going to take this very slow... i wanted a very slow cycle with uncured rock and just let the tank go off on its own to create a stable enviorment


but i have a current tank offer pending.. COMPLETE set up.. w/o the fish but including rock and sand-- so my slow plans might not be so legit any more... i prolly wouldnt start stocking till a month after cycled- and the tang would be the LAST thing i added...

i think i'll go with a powder brown


who knows i have tie to decide


so it would go

tank set up cycle/


if any algea get cuc


then after a month or so of the post cycle add gobies


then a few weeks later add fire fish


a few weeks later add pair of clowns

(which i might add around the same time as dwarf angels...)- do they get territoral?


other wise a few weeks later dwarf angels


then lastly a month later add tang



another reason for waiting the time between is for a QT period before actually adding to the tank

im fine with being slow... but slightly impatient because im so excited!

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Powder browns can be very tough sometimes. You might want to check into a tomini. They are very cool tangs as well as very helpfull. They are a bristletooth tang and graze all throuhout the day on algae.


Convict tangs are also a good choice. Very comical fish. Also a good grazer.





image from Live Aquaria

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C'mon Raf.......you thinking they are ugly is not going to help this young lady! :why:


Scopas can be very aggressive. I had a scopas tang in with a purple tang and a yellow tang and the scopas was the bully of the bunch. I would look at on-line vendor pages and see which ones you like and look at their minimum tank size. That will give you a better idea of what you can house in your tank.

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yea i have been haha-


i thought scopas were pretty


but oh well

i would love a powder but i think they might need a biger tank.. i know hippos need bigger tanks


but i really want something of that shape and a less of a yellow color cuz im getting a lot of yellowey orangy fish

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C'mon Raf.......you thinking they are ugly is not going to help this young lady! :why:


Scopas can be very aggressive. I had a scopas tang in with a purple tang and a yellow tang and the scopas was the bully of the bunch. I would look at on-line vendor pages and see which ones you like and look at their minimum tank size. That will give you a better idea of what you can house in your tank.


Yeah you are right Steve... Sorry about that comment. Also steve is right about them being very aggressive, would you consider an Atlantic Blue Tang?



Edited by rsaavedra
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thats a hippo? or is that the pacific blue? im so confused with all the names of everything else



is it the dory fish?


anyways if it is wouldnt i have to move it to another tank... when it got to big

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Yeah you are right Steve... Sorry about that comment. Also steve is right about them being very aggressive, would you consider an Atlantic Blue Tang?





I was just giving you a hard time Raf!! :biggrin:


BTW - congrats on TOTM.

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thats a hippo? or is that the pacific blue? im so confused with all the names of everything else



is it the dory fish?


anyways if it is wouldnt i have to move it to another tank... when it got to big







I was just giving you a hard time Raf!! :biggrin:


BTW - congrats on TOTM.


I know but you were right. Thanks on the TOTM I wouldn't been there if it wasn't for you guys!!! :clap:



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yup i got the difference. haha


i think im strongly consideering one!! they are a gorgeous color...


are they hard to take care of as a juvenile

i would love to see the color change!

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