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Multiple Pygmy Angelfish


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I am thinking about placing multiple Pygmy Angelfish in my 75 gallon tank. I already have a cherub angel and am contumplating adding a coral beuty and possibly a lemon peel. Is this just a really stupid thing for me to do.

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i would only risk 2 at most. They will fight at first but after awhile will prob give it up. They also need alot of rockwork. This is just my experience with them. Ask Copps

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While this would be possible under the right circumstances, have you thought about doing a pair or trio of cherub angels? Cherubs are part of a complex within Centropyge known as the dwarf dwarf angels sometimes... I helped Rebecca (Bemmer) add a group of five of these to her large system and she loves to see the natural interactions...


Problems arise in mixing angels many times when a "new" fish that is straight from the LFS is added to a system with an already established fat and happy angelfish... The new fish is typically weak and unaccostomed to captive life, after going through typically weeks of transport with little to no feeding. In it's weakened state the new addition usually is either killed outright or as a result of a disease brought on by stress. Much of the "don't mix angels" misinfomation being spread is outdated and a result of this. Many people think the sole reason for quarantine is to keep foreign disease out of our tanks, but one of the most beneficial I have always seen is to be able to prepare new additions for the stress of life in our tanks. Being the new kid on the block in our aquariums is a very stressful undertaking for any fish, but ones that are properly adapted to feeding and captive life and disease free stand a much better chance. For some touchier species it's near vital to success. Also, after the new fish is conditioned, allowing the new fish to be seen but not touched for a few days can help save them from that initial onslaught of aggression. Dim lights for a few days will benefit the process too...


Properly done, mixing of angels can de done. Pairs will also form between species. I actually have a lemonpeel that is one of just a dozen or so ever captive raised, and it came paired with a coral beauty from the breeder! My most famous interspecies pair is between Centropyge resplendens and Centropyge fisheri, found oceans apart but VERY closely related and successfully spawned in captivity.


Is this a reef system?

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I agree with John (who is by far more knowledgeable than I). I have mixed multiple angels before and the key to success was that they were all added at the same time. When one of them met an unfortunate demise, not at the fins of another fish, the balance was thrown off and they squared off again to reestablish pecking order. This resulted in some mayhem but they calmed themselves down again afterwards.

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