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250 HQI MH and Center Brace


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If I mount a single 250 watt HQI MH pendant over the center of a 65 gallon tank's plastic center brace, say, 8-10 inches above the brace, do you think it will melt it?  This would be suspended from the ceiling, not mounted in a canopy...




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Hey Mike!


I dunno.


HOWEVER, I was thinking of going HQI for the future 150g and decided not to based on heat & space.


I've got an acrylic and I guess I'm playing it save.



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Hey Phil - is that split-happy BTA of yours cloning itself again...?  ;)


Miller - how far above the brace is your fixture mounted?  Is it in a canopy?


I guess I should mention that I know the brace will cast a shadow, but this tank is not for SPS (it's not even my tank - a friend's).  It's a new tank that will be mostly soft and a few LPS.  But, IME, if you stick with this hobby long enough, you will eventually want MH.  Just trying to save a few bucks up front...  Then, if the SPS bug bites, just get a second fixture and call it a day...  




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if it is high enough it should be fine.  most of the uv is filtered from the fixture, so it is just a heat issue.  As suggested, if he has a fan that will remove any worry (which he might need anyway).
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if it is high enough it should be fine.  most of the uv is filtered from the fixture, so it is just a heat issue.  As suggested, if he has a fan that will remove any worry (which he might need anyway).

Yeah, I was just worried about heat - to tell you the truth, I totally for got about UV...


Ha!  How quick we are to assume that this a guy entering this male-dominated hobby!  I'm actually getting a female addicted!!!   ]]]bdwn

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Actually, I had to replace my plastic brace since they both broke.

I used angle iron and painted it like crazy.

I believe it was UV/combined with heat that caused them to become brittle and snap.

I use 3x250w MH with 70cfm fans and the tank is a Perfecto 220h.


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