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the trade post?


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That has never happened to me before, I have posted stuff for trade before. Is it now be enforced?


There are ton of posts in here with Trades/ for sales/ or wanted to buy.


You going to lock them also?

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It looks as if it is being enforced now.  Not sure I am the appropriate one to answer this, but as I know the answer, and you deserve a response, I'll provide one.  There is a forsale/trade section of the forums that is only visible to paid members.  You are probably wondering why?  It goes back a couple years, when we had this section out in the open, and it was heavily used by people who didn't want to pay membership dues to the society.  The real problem came not from people selling forsee, but more from people scooping up stuff and the paying members not having a shot at it- though there were people using the forums just to sell stuff as well.  It seemed unfair to the members- thus a "members only" area was created to provide a "value added benefit (or however it is called)" for the members.  Over time, for quite some time, it was regularily enforced, with the exception being for people breaking down tanks either due to moving or getting out of the hobby, as we felt that every chance should be made to find the animals new homes.  Please keep in mind that this website is run solely on members contributions in the form of membership dues.  There are no advertisements taken to pay for anything.  This again was a descision that was made with a lot of deliberation. Nathan should be consistent, as should all the moderators, and lock them.  A canned explanation should also be put up so people know why this was done.  I looked for the "user agreement" for the forums, but the link is ?????  It should say something about this, and it should be redily visible.  Both of these are things that I'm sure will get straightened out.  and hopefully nathan won't be so short in the future when taking these actions.


Please feel free to ask or critique.  Things are always changing- hopefully for the better.  While the organization has grown a whole lot since its enception, there is always more room to grow.

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Michael did a great job explaining it.  As a volunteer group, typically Craig, Glenn, Nathan or I deal with this, but consistency may be difficult all the time.  I apologize.


I'm sure this will come up at our officer's meeting tonight.


That said, did you join?  FS/FT in Member's section does see a fair amount of traffic!  Love to have you with us!



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We would love to have you be a member. The meetings are great and the cost is small. At the last meeting I brought home frags that would have cost 10 times the cost of my membership.


I apoligize but the rules of the membership is what I have to follow (I don't make em I just follow them).

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