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Another Score! from BRK..and other pics


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I just scored this from BRK. Pics are taken about an hour after acclimation. Thanks BRK





While I had the camera out I decided to snap a few other shots as well...





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Nice pictures Scott!! There are still plenty of those kick ass SPS in stock, along with some beautiful leather corals, LPS, and ricordea!!!


Recently fragged up many of our not for sale shelf corals including the Zoanthids!


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Guest navajo

Nice pictures Scott!! There are still plenty of those kick ass SPS in stock, along with some beautiful leather corals, LPS, and ricordea!!!


Recently fragged up many of our not for sale shelf corals including the Zoanthids!



I just got back from there myself!


I LOVE THAT PLACE!!! (OK, I guess John's pretty nice too... :cheers: )


He puts up with a lot from me. I like to go in and hang out for an hour or 2 just visiting, but I usually wind up buying more that way, so I guess it's a win/win situation. :biggrin:


I got a Tort, Green Leather frag, and a HUGE Pagoda...CHEAP! thanks again John!


BTW, his salt shipment was delayed (the REAL reason I stopped) so, DARN it looks like I'll have to go back in tomorrow... :wink: And YES, he has a LOT of new COOL stuff!



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I picked up a bunch of fish from John today! Nice stuff that really isn't common! :bluefish:


John still had a bunch of other cool fish that isn't in there all the time!


One fish he had called and Angler looked pretty ugly but blends in with live rock and would go well in a fish only tank. I would have picked him up as well but he would have eaten the other small fish I got today! :rollface:

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I just got back from there myself!


I LOVE THAT PLACE!!! (OK, I guess John's pretty nice too... :cheers: )


He puts up with a lot from me. I like to go in and hang out for an hour or 2 just visiting, but I usually wind up buying more that way, so I guess it's a win/win situation. :biggrin:


I got a Tort, Green Leather frag, and a HUGE Pagoda...CHEAP! thanks again John!


BTW, his salt shipment was delayed (the REAL reason I stopped) so, DARN it looks like I'll have to go back in tomorrow... :wink: And YES, he has a LOT of new COOL stuff!





I was there today as well. Great stuff. I picked up a hammer coral that looks great. Lots of stuff there that I put on my "list". I'll be going back soon.

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Nice shots!!!! Is that 3rd photo of superman monti? I've seen so many but none the same, mine doesn't even look like one. I'll love to get that color!!!!

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Nice shots!!!! Is that 3rd photo of superman monti? I've seen so many but none the same, mine doesn't even look like one. I'll love to get that color!!!!


Thanks. Yep. That's the superman I got from Lieshman. This is the pic I took of it a few months back on the top of the disk.


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