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Newbie need advice with setup

Guest lbquoc

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Guest lbquoc


I have been keeping freshwater for a few years and now decice to explore the wonderful world of salwater. I'm trying to read as much as I can about setup a new saltwater tank for FOWL and eventually reef. Here's what I plan for my new setup:


29g drilled tank with 30lbs of live rock and 30 lbs live sand

10g sum with mag3 return pump

In-sump protein skimmer (Need to find a good one for beginner)

coralife 30" CF 2x65w with 1 10000k and 1 50/50 bulbs


What should I change on the above list? What else do I need to get started?



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I don't think you need that much lighting for a FOWLR. You mentioned the tank will eventually be reef so perhaps purchasing that fixture might be wise though I don'tk now how long it will be until you add some coral. My guess is you won't be able resist long and with that lighting there will be plenty of "easy" options for you.


You could always keep the halids turned off until you have a need for them.


I've only been keeping coral for about half a year, so take my advice as you see fit.

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Welcome to the hobby.


It looks like you have a good start for a FOWLR tank. I would only suggest that you get a good set of test kits. If I were doing a FOWLR I would add a UV sterilizer.

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Guest lbquoc

Thanks guys for the super fast responses. What about live rock and sand? Do you think the amount is OK? Any recommendation for a good beginner's skimmer?


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Sounds good. You may want more sand, depending on how much of a sandbed you want. some will tell you 2lbs per gal of sand.... I usually say 2-3" of sand. 30lbs of rock should be plenty. Since its a smaller tank, shop around and get rock that's pretty. Nothing worse than big chunks of ugly base rock all throughout the tank.

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I wouold get a bigger return pump. A mag 3 doesn't give much flow when you consider the head loss. I would get a Mag 5 or possibly even a 7 if your drain can handle it.

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A couple months ago I broke down a 29 that had been set up for 4 years. Here is what I had:


29 drilled

10 gal sump

coralife skimmer 125

2x24" normal output flourecent lighting, 1 6500k and one actinic

mag 3 return

Maxijet 900

30# live rock

20# live sand


Nothing fancy but, it was a great setup and I wouldn't change anything about the setup. Lighting was plenty for soft corals and fish and skimmer was plenty, mag 3 worked great as a return, especially with the tiny overflow box I made and a 3/4" drain. This was a low maintenece and fun tank to have. I still have the stand, skimmer and lighting with new bulbs if you are interested. Welcome to WAMAS :).



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Guest lbquoc


I never thought that you can grow anything with only 2x 24" NO. I currently have a Coralife 30" with 65W 6500K for my freshwater tank. May be I can use it for my setup. I'm interested in the skimmer though. I'll PM you. Thanks again for all the advice. This board is great.


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You could also go with an Aqua C Remora skimmer. Just be sure you use the maxi-jet 1200 option rather than the crappy Rio powerhead. That's what I"Ve been running on my 30 reef for over three years now. Great skimmer.

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