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Posts posted by bravanc

  1. looks like your good to go. The tube is a stancion to support the I-beam which is supporting the Floor above.  the 2x4 supports the drywall/wall.  you can cut what you need and frame around your tank dimensions.

  2. please put your temp sensor in the same chamber as the heater,  i just had an issue where my hosed poped off of my bio-pellet reactor and spilled into my backup/floor and drained the system enough to where there was no water flowing.  Heater came on in one chamber as the temp sensor was in another chamber, needless to say the water got very hot in the chamber.  i only noticed it when i saw steam comming from the sump.  Glad i was at home at that time

  3. i have had three different units that i have used, first was a Kent marine was nice but back then the blue canisters were not clear so could not see when to change the filters.  Second was a Water General and it too had solid white canisters so i could not see the filters.  i got this when i purshased a tank from a friend.  The third is a AWI typhoon exreme and i really like this system.  you can get the filters easily and they always offer quarterly discounts or have sales, clear canisters so i can see conditions of the filters

  4. Wanted to take advantage of the incredible sale and noticed that they were open between 7-10 pmThursday and Friday and open 12-5pm on weekends. This would not have worked for me as I had other obligations this weekend and on top of that I live in Waldorf, MD. I PM'd Steve if they were going to open regular hours during the sale but he checked to see if Adam was going to be at the store and sure enough Adam was going to be there early. I can say enough about personal attention to their customers, these guys are it when it come to personal attention. Adam and Steve allowed me to come to the store during off hours in order for me to take advantage of the sale. I was able to pick up a couple of nice Acros and even a clam for my newly upgraded tank. This sale is incredible as I was also able to take advantage of the buy 2 and get whatever else I want up to the lowest priced corals in whatever combination I wanted. Well I got some more corals and even was able to get me a new Salifert Ca test kit. If you can make it down to the shop you should and take advantage of this sale. Thanks guys!

  5. I have a dual overflow in my tank too. Here is what I have done. I have two returns one in each over flow. My full siphon is in the right overflow about 4 inches below the water line then it goes into a valve and into a sock in the sump skimmer side. The other side is my emergency and is adjust high enough so all the water will not go down the tube based on the adjustment of the valve for the full siphon. It goes straight into the sump skimmer side as well. It is not a true Herbie as the Herbie uses two drains and a emergency mine uses only on full siphon and one emergency. When dialeded in its pretty quiet like the Herbie would be.

  6. Nice looking tank and some sweet equipment there. I see that your running the pump wide open. How many drains are you running and what is the diameter of the drains. Are you running two returns or just one? Have you checked to see how far the gate valve is closed at full siphon?



    i am running both drains, both are separate one is valved for the Herbie and probably turned maybe 1/4 closed going into a sock and the other is the emergency straight into the sump both of these are 1" drains.


    i also have the HY5000 and may use that as the flow is almost too much witht the HY10000. i have MP40es that will move water inside the tank so i should have plenty of flow

  7. I just did my aqua scape this weekend and used 1/2 acrylice rod and it held up fine. You will have to balance the rock and make sure your base is heavy or can support your design. I used a masonry bit on a coordless drill set to hammer and work carefully.

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