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Posts posted by bravanc

  1. i am noticing the same results with my corals.  i lost some color and polyp extension on some of the corals.  This happened when i went from 65/45 to 80/65 (Blue/white).  Maybe too much light?   i am going to bring my light intensity back down instead of up to see if the color comes back.  if not i am ready to supplement with t5 too.  following along to see how this goes.

  2. i have a orange spotted goby, bi-color blenny and lawnmower in my 220 and have no issues with them at all (probably because of the extra room) i see no aggressions toward each other even when they cross paths. 

  3. So, I was doing my build using the 8020 aluminum bar. I wanted to see if I connected the power plug from one to the other if we can use just one plug. It works! I use a regular straight plug in place of the 90 degree and plug from the regular plug to the universal. (The aluminum bar was in the way of using the plug that came with the light) anyhow I just jumped from one light to the next and the last one I plugged into the wall and they all came on.

    Anything wrong with doing this?
  4. i have hundreds in my tank and they don't seem to do any harm.  i see them mostly on the sand bed and edges close to the glass.  when lights go out they climb up the glass and by morning they are gone.  Seem like there is alot  more now... maybe its time for a Harlequin shrimp

  5. I sent this design over to EZ-Tube to construct me a light rack. Any comments or help with my dimensions? I am having a hard time explaining to them over the phone what I want.

    you need to put together the measurements along each rail so that they can make the cuts accurate.  all they will want to see is the part they will be making.  look on their site and get the measurement of the connector pieces and add that to you drawing measurements total and give them the type of material you want for what section.

  6. Thanks, My original plan was to skin it too, but I got use to the industrial look. Still need to add the t5 to finish up the fixture. Not sure if you can see it in the pictures but mine are on rails too so it can slide out to maintain and clean. I used a pocket door kit for mine.

  7. Inevo, nice build. Do you have any plans to raise the fixture any? Are you worried about condensation or corrosion building up on your fixture being that it's right on top of the water?


    This was my build using EZ Tube for my MH back in 2012. It is still currently in use while waiting for my LEDs to come so I can do my build for it.






  8. a glass 220 empty alone is pretty heavy.  if you are going to take all that out you might as well take the sand out too and just do it right the first time.  I don't think the carpet sliders will hold up to the weight of the sand, tank, sump and stand and will probably just crush. 

  9. I like you currently have red bugs in my system. I am totally disappointed as I thought I have done everything to keep this from happening. I have dipped every coral I bought but one type of dipping does not kill or remove all pest. I have ordered the interceptor spectrum and currently in my first cycle of three to clear my tank. I have been doing a lot of research on the net and RC and opinions from others and I will start using the Bayer dip as this seems to be the one that kills all. I have notified those that have bought corals from me a few weeks back to check and make sure that they too have dipped their corals and or quarantined them. It is up to us who buy frags to make sure we dip or quarantine our frags to keep this from happening in our systems but pest always find a way. I'm not sure who I got them from and not blaming anyone but myself for not being more diligent about pest control but I can assure you I will dip and quarantine. Good luck in your fight with the red bugs.

  10. looks like your good to go. The tube is a stancion to support the I-beam which is supporting the Floor above.  the 2x4 supports the drywall/wall.  you can cut what you need and frame around your tank dimensions.

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