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jason the filter freak

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Posts posted by jason the filter freak

  1. Do you think the external overflow box is a better alternative than drilling the tank, if you have the space behing the tank? I like the idea and I think it looks much cleaner. Could you give me ideas, I'd liek to do the same mod with a 55 gallon :drink:

  2. About.com, and I added that siggy after suggesting on a thread how some one should set up their 120 on the second story of their house,


    where is your store located? F&F? Or maybe I'm thinking of somethign else, I thought that stood for something like fins and feathers



    P.S. soo totally not trying to jack this thread


    Ask phisigs79 for advice, he has one of the best silica beds I have ever seen

  3. I love anemones.

    I have an LTA, a Mini Maxi Tapetum and a RBTA.

    Can not take a picture of RBTA - it's roaming now, hiding under a ledge. But others are showing up.

    Just wanted to share some pictures!




    What do you think?



    I think that you're FISHING for compliments...

    However I have to say the above looks like a work of art! I'm :bounce: with envy! Awsome! lucky you... :wig:

  4. What is Brown or Golden Algae?

    Referred to as a microalgae, brown or golden algae is actually not an algae at all, but diatoms. What you are actually seeing in your tank are diatom skeletons, all linked together. It can appear as a simple dusting on the tank walls and substrate surfaces, or it can turn into a massive growth that covers just about everything in the tank. This type of algae outbreak typically occurs when a tank is just completing or has finished the nitrogen cycling process, new live rock is introduced, as the curing process can add nutrients when some organisms on the rock dies off, or tank maintenance has been neglected.

  5. Lots of snails, hermits etc? UV sterilizer, lots and lots of circulation. And good lighting... rather proper lighintg good par

  6. 3 is a great idea and actually a number of people have done that, if you have an open back stand it'll give you a lot of extra space, for top of systems, giant sumps etc, what ever you'd like, also though I slept though my architectural design class, I image the footer or what ever for the wall sticks out far enough to lend support

  7. I agree read the books, but also spend many hours while putting off social and hygenic, and professional needs and read threads like wamas and www.reefcentral.org, like all others welcome to the obsession, there is much to learn from the masters and veterans on this site, most have been though it all, and much to learn from the newbies who are going though it currently and can help you out with problems you may be going though. Make sure you go to others houses and see their set ups, possibly bring :cheers: , its a part of the hobby apparently :rollface:.


    So far on these fourms there is no such thing as a stupid question :lol2: , well with in reason...


    Have fun, and word from the wise that you will here over and over again from diffrent sources keep paticence, don't freak ever, stay chill, and OLNY BAD THINGS HAPPEN QUICKLY IN THIS HOBBY.


    :bounce: HAVE FUN, AND WELCOME :bounce:

  8. And quit using the caps lock key instead of the shift key when you type! :biggrin:


    Now that we've pirated the thread, I had done that for effect instead of using a million of these little guys :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:





    You have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message

  9. I agree. Wally's has improved in the past few months. It's interesting how the negative comments are coming from someone too cheap to pay a $20 WAMAS membership...


    -- Rob


    HAHAHAH ouch

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