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Posts posted by AndrewB

  1. Huge shipment of corals from Indonesia, lots of LPS especially in stock


    Gold Lobos

    Gold Tip Torch

    Yellow Tubastrea

    Yellow Scroll

    Gold Tip Hammer

    Yellow Polyps

    Yellow Branching Porites

    Gold Galaxea



    Outside of the theme of the post, we also received some spectacular green Favia and Favites, lots of Fungia and Heliofungia, lots more Euphyllia, Scolymia/Cynarina, bubble corals, Blastos....


    And lots, lots more.

  2. OK, a customer backed out of a deal on a 210-gallon aquarium. I really don't want this thing sitting around the shop so...


    $550!! Normal price is $724.99. The tank is 72x24x29. No drills/overflow. Black frame. Price is for the tank only. First come, first served!

  3. Pederson's cleaner shrimp

    Pyramid butterflys

    Melanurus wrasse juvies

    Mimic octopus (still here, still eating)

    Female Swallowtail angel

    Yellow Fin fairy wrasse

    Lubbock's fairy wrasse

    Jans's pipefish, mated pair

    Green mandarins, healthy & big


    This is just a few of my favorites in the marine section. Come by to see the whole shebang!


    Plus, new cleanup crew came in today. Astrea snails, Peppermint shrimp, Lettuce nudibranchs, Blue Leg and Scarlet hermits and more!




    Oops, almost forgot. There's still two more days on the summer sale blowout... details on the web site.

  4. Almon and I had a conversation a few days ago about the number of recent threads on a variety of forum boards where people were relating horror stories of a variety of tank meltdowns due to outbreaks associated with new livestock.


    Quarantine is critical... Most reefers have thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars invested in their display aquaria. The small investment of space, time and money of a quarantine system is well worth it! In fact, I might even suggest quarantine of corals as well as fish and motile invertebrates.


    For those who are on the fence, consider the following strategy:


    There are iron stands available that will house two aquaria, one above and one below. A 36inch long system can house a 45gal tank over a 30L, or a 65gal over a 40breeder. Add a power compact light fixture, hang-on venturi protein skimmer and powerhead to the bottom tank for coral quarantine. Add a power or canister filter and heater to the top tank for fish quarantine. Leave the tanks bare bottom for easy sterilization and cleaning and use lengths of PVC pipe or large fittings for shelter in the system. Keep a small bunch of tufa rock or other substrate for transfer nitrifying bacteria in your main system that can transfer biological cultures to the quarantine system if necessary. In between quarantine cycles, the tank can be filled with fresh water with all components running to seterilize. In extreme cases, a low bleach concentration can be used.


    These setups don't take a whole lot of space, and will house almost anything you could want for a sufficient period of time to prevent adding an unwelcome surprise to your display system. Moreover, they are versatile enough that different animals requiring different care can get specialized treatment in either tank.


    It's worth it... Just read the forums!

  5. I know there's a bunch of you just waiting for the last week of the sale to take advantage of the amazing prices through this sale... By now you've seen the web site, picked out a tank, furniture and maybe some components to go with it, and plan on coming by SCALES this weekend to make your final order.


    This sale ends August 31!


    Just for reminders, here's the complete list of products available on sale:


    AGA tanks 65-gallons and over, ALL models including Megaflow and curved glass aquariums

    AGA furniture, tops and lights for all tanks 65-gallons and over

    AGA Megaflow accessory kit and Wet/Dry models 3 and 4

    Oceanic Ultimate 156 tanks, furniture and tops

    Red Sea Max 34-gallon nano reef system, stand and starter kit

    Coralife selected twin power compact and lunar fixtures

    Coralife Super Skimmer 65, 125, and 220

    Fluval Canister filters, all sizes including the FX5

    Aquaclear Power Filters

    Mag Drive Pumps models 5-24

    Caribsea select marine and specialty freshwater substrates

    Oceanic, Coralife, Instant Ocean and Reef Crystals salt mix buckets

    Eheim Jager heaters

    MaxiJet powerheads

    Aqueon power filters and heaters


    Complete listing of sale prices is on the web site below.


    See you soon!

  6. To answer the first question, you'll need a 36x18 inch footprint for your sump tank. AGA makes a 30 breeder, 40 breeder, 50 and 65 gallon tanks in that footprint. The 40 breeder is probably the ideal model although you may be able to fit the 50.


    On the other question, AGA is currently undergoing a name change involved with the integration and reorganization of several companies. Very soon AGA tanks, etc., will be called Aqueon. The web site, while not yet complete, is www.aqueonproducts.com.

  7. Got this guy on Monday. Great animal for a species tank if you want a big wow factor in a small package.




    Come by to visit; we don't charge admission!


    And while you're here... How about a 90 gallon tank with overflow box for only $211.99? Lots of other stuff with deep discounts on the web site.

  8. We find that a combination of Kanamycin (most easily found in stores as Seachem's KanaPlex) and Melafix are the most reliable treatment for popeye related to bacterial infection. If it is related to injury, it may clear up on its own. As Chip mentioned, it's not particularly contagious, but an advancing infection can very rapidly destroy the afflicted fish.


    Melafix by itself will not stop the infection but it will assist with regenerating damaged tissue.

  9. Reef Nerites are here! Get rid of spot algae... Lots of other cleanup crew, critters and fish in stock too.


    More feature items from our Summer Sale Blowout:


    Select Coralife Power Compact and Lunar fixtures

    Select buckets of salt mix

    Jager Heaters

    MaxiJet Powerheads


    And all AGA tanks 65 gallons and above, including overflow and curved glass aquariums!


    See the web site for complete sale details.

  10. Just imagine, your sitting back in your Aeron chair, resting the old eyes from the computer screen by watching a pair of Yasha Gobies gently pick goodies out of the sand bed... Or perhaps a garden of Ricordea gently swaying the current... Maybe even a seahorse pair making themselves invisible against a tuft of macroalgae...


    That's right folks, bring the amazing Red Sea Max nano reef system to the office. Or home. Or even give one to a friend for the unbelievable price of $534.99!


    This is only one of many feature items on our Summer Blowout Sale!


    For complete listings of sale items and prices see the web site below.

  11. Not to digress on the Herbie... The taller the overflow box, the easier it is to moderate flow. The question isn't so much how much water is flowing through the bulkhead, but what head pressure is required to move an equivalent amount while maintaining a certain water level in the overflow. There is, however, one major problem with this system. If anything clogs the restriction point (valve), you're screwed. I suspect most people here with overflow boxes can tell you about fish that have jumped into them... My favorite was a jawfish that managed to create a burrow with all the macro algae growing in the bottom of the overflow box.


    On sump flow, I like reducing to about 1-2 times the skimmer capacity like suggested above and using heavy flow inside the tank. It's a difference of style though, and only works well with high-quality skimmers.

  12. Last year, several WAMAS members took advantage of our summer sale to save big money on tanks (thanks Raf, Pat and others)...


    This year, the sale is even bigger! We have negotiated this exclusive sale with our manufacturers and wholesalers to bring you huge savings.


    All AGA tanks 65-gallons and larger on sale including curved glass and overflow aquariums.

    Sample price, 180-gallon tanks from $479.99!!

    Furniture and tops also on deep discount.


    Red Sea Max... The ultimate nano-reef system: $534.99!!


    The Oceanic 156-gallon Ultimate Aquarium and furniture,

    25% off our already low price...


    Coralife PC lights

    Mag Drive Pumps

    CaribSea Substrates

    AGA Wet/Dry filters

    Salt mix buckets

    Coralife skimmers

    MaxiJet Powerheads


    Plus much, much more.


    See the web site for a complete list of sale items and prices.


    Sale runs Aug 1 through 30.


    Delivery and installation services available.


    SCALES Tropical Fish Warehouse

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