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Posts posted by rsaavedra

  1. Next up: Aquascaping!

    If anyone's interested in helping, I could use some critical eyes while deciding how to set up the rock structure. You will get to:

    • Lift heavy rocks
    • Operate a hammerdrill
    • Stack rocks on PVC supports

    Please PM me if interested in this most fun part of reeftank building, and I'll try to coordinate a time sometime soon.



    Justin LMK Time/Date and I'll figure a way to help, you already know the times I'm available.



  2. Raf,


    Is it true that if you get stung by a jellyfish, the best way to stop the swelling and ease the pain is to apply urine on it?



    James not proud of that fact, but my uncle peed on my leg and immediately told me to lay my legs flat on the shore sand then he packed my leg with wet sand and the swelling/stinging went away in about 10 minutes. I don't know if it was the urine or the sand the one that did the trick. Which ever it was took the sting/swelling away and all it was left was just some minor irritation.
  3. I was raised on the Puertorican shores and man let me tell you I have stepped in so many long spine urchins, stung by jellyfishes, pinched by so many things in the water that I lost count. Never the less every single one hurt badly... not fun!!!






    Jason, I think you can buy them at most LFS. I had some straight airline couplers that i just cut one end off. Have you heard of or tried this mod yet?



    Wreck I don't think Jason was joking, please can you post a write up and pics on this mod? I'm ineterested on doing this to my son's CPR BakPak skimmer.





  5. I have an odd shaped frag of purple chalice that I am kind of agnostic about. I have already given a chunk that broke off to Bob, and would be willing to bring it along for a trade of some zoas or something...if there is anyone who has an interest in it.


    It's not the most exciting chalice on the planet...pretty much solid purple right now, but not sure how it might color up given some time. It's taking up a spot that I'd like to put something more interesting in, so if anyone is interested, let me know.


    Here is a pic before I fragged off the broken part on the left side:






    I'll trade you for some yellow sinularia?



  6. Its way better to be in debt to a friend than to a credit card to replace all (possible thousands) that has been lost. Just return the favor or give them some frags and a lot of thanks.


    Yes David and I are "Reef Sitting Buddies" he watches mine and I watch his. We know where everything reef related items are in our houses. We know where everything is plugged and what goes where. Is very easy once you find a reliable buddy to pair up with.
    3) Unless the guy is a super reef nerd, there is a good probability they wouldn't go over your system to the level of detail that they would notice an ATO pump not plugged in. I mean yea, we're all curious how things are set up but would you actually trace out every wire? Dunno, not trying to be a jerk here. Just trying to put some realism into the situation. I'd say there are about 300 reef nerds in the DC area and they are ALL on this forum (otherwise they wouldn't be true reef nerds). The chances of having one of them able to house/tank sit for you to the level necessary to prevent all failures is pretty slim.
    Will disagree with you. Look at my response above. I think if you commit (in my case) to sit someones tank you need to know everything about that tank to level of detail as you know yours; if you don't I would feel wreckless and irresponsible for not preparing myself to battle tank problems to the same level as I would with mine. My .02
  7. super glue gel for glueing outside tank and epoxy for glueing inside tank


    I use Super Glue Gel for glueing both inside and outside of the tank and it works great, I've never really used epoxy.



  8. Assuming that the reading I got is correct and that my alk is low, what's my next step to bring it up? Use the two part method?




    James if you only need to raise the ALK then use Arm and Hammer Baking soda, I would do one tsp every 2 days and measure the day after. That's how I do my ALK and it works like a champ.



  9. Just put in an order!


    Looking forward Sonny.


    Dave you should have told me you were putting an order, I would of order with you to save on shipping. Oh I forgot FREE SHIPPING!!! WHOO-HOOO!!! I love this place!!! :wink:

  10. I might be wrong but me feels like she is trying to nip the clown on the other side to submission and the side flapping against the glass is showing it sign of submission IMO. When I tried to paired up my GSMC's the bigger one nipped the little one to pieces really bad to the point that I thought he wouldn't survive, after that she began getting close to him and smacking him with ther tail and sides, this lasted for a little while and then it went away and they happily maiting and spawning a long while after that.


    Do you have a pair of clowns or is he she just alone? If she is alone I would suggest getting her a smaller clown to attempt pairing them up.



  11. Well I've got some pretty good news I think. My tank with three power heads and a Penguin filter running for 3 days now has stayed between 76.2 and 80.03... I'm excited.


    Don't put all your eggs in one basket just yet; you still need to account for Lights, Return Pump, Skimmer Pump, Refugium Light and circ pump if you are using one and the high fluctuating temperatures that are still to come between mid-end Aug. Sorry I don't mean to step on your Mojo, but I'm very Happy and Excited to see that you are making progress.



  12. That is an incredible price for that fish if it is WYSWYG, Red sea fish are getting harder and harder to get.



    I'm with John, usually the Red Sea Regals almost anywhere online go for 135 and up without shipping. Not that difficult to get them to eat just alot of patience and experimentation.



  13. Tracy I'm a T5 user myself and love them!!! I would recommend a fixture that have individual bulb reflectors (i.e. http://www.aquactinics.com/pages/TX5.html there are other brands out there this is something to give you an idea). As far as bulbs I would go with:


    Back 2 Front:


    1XATI AquaBlue Special

    1XUV Lighting AquaSun

    1XUV Lighting Super Actinic

    1XATI Blue Plus




    1XATI AquaBlue Special

    1XATI Blue Plus

    1XUV Lighting AquaSun

    1XATI Blue Plus


    There are 2 TOTM's here, one is entirely T5 and the other one is all T5 + 1 VHO .




  14. Going for the 5 wins to win it all.




    Does that means if you guys win all 5 WAMAS members get free frags!!! :clap: :wink: :clap: J/K Good Luck!!!

    The only problem I have is that the IT NAZIS in my agency have MR. Corals website block so I don't get to see the daily steal until I get home in the evenings, other than that Sonny you have nice livestock, good prices and the Super Bonus FREE Shipping to the ones close by!!! You can't beat anywhere!!!



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