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Posts posted by jwildman

  1. If I was doing again, I would do a couple of things differently. One is that I would use electronic ballast and the 2nd is that I would try to work in Luminarc reflectors in the mix. They also have a nice fan system also. They really make a difference on the light imo.



    It's a 120 that is 60 inches long.... so that would be 2 1/2.

    That is indeed amazing. I am sending this to His Highness who is currently dreaming of the power tools dept. at Lowes.


    I really appreciate you guys, by the way. thanks!


    What do you guys think of something like this:




    Description: Retrofit metal halide and compact fluorescent lighting system complete with two 175 watt 5500K metal halide bulbs (Upgrades available) and your choice of four from the following compact fluorescent bulbs: 55 watt 6750K Daylight, 55 watt 10000K Daylight, 55 watt Blue and 55 watt Actinic 03. Comes complete with two remote metal halide ballasts (Upgrade to 175W Electronic Metal Ballasts or 250W Electronic Metal Ballasts) with 10' cables and quick disconnects, remote compact fluorescent ballast with 10' cables and electro-white reflector. Use a retrofit if you already have canopy that you would like to utilize.


    Cost would be 479.00 plus upgrade to 14000K Hamilton MH (40.00) plus upgrade to electronic ballasts (60.00) for a grand total of 579.00?


    Was the other one (DIY Retro: 48"Reflector, 2x250W ARO Ballast, 1xVHO ballast, 2 XM 10K bulbs, 2x Super Actinic bulbs, Power Cords, End Caps. $592) also electronic ballast? Is that from Hellolights? Is there a big advantage to 14K over 10K? Have I gone completely insane yet? :-)

  2. A valid concern, when I recently treated I lost (aka killed with flatworm exit) a large amount of Bristles and pods. Not something I would want to do on a regular basis.





    My concern would be this: how does a chemical kill one type of worm and not another? Seems to me you would be killing all kinds of stuff. Maybe not big stuff like fish, corals, snails and crabs, but I don't see how you wouldn't take out all kinds of beneficial microfauna along with the flatworms. Like someone said earlier in this thread, "reef safe" is a relative term.


    I can see if it was a total infestation and you had to sacrifice your small critters to save your larger ones, but personally I don't see the benefit of doing this as a prophylactic measure.

  3. Should have a MH every 2 feet. Not sure what tank size you have



    Cult Leader of the Home Despot is worried about putting "that much power" into the lighting system for a tank. I had suggested 14K 250 watt MH x 2. Is he being unduly concerned?

  4. Beltway is correct I agree with him on all counts. I have to say that heat is not a problem with MH's. It is if you do not manage it correctly. I have a 180 with 3 @ 250 MH's and 2 VHO tubes and my heat stays within the 78-80 degree range all year round without a chiller. Sometimes I have to run a supplemental fan in the sump. I do have my tank in the basement, which helps. In addition I have the icecap fans in the hood that have heat sensors and are variable spped.


    My hood is all DYI and very easy to do. I would highly suggest doing one. You are welcome to see mine at any time. :)




    We have several, and MOST everything goes through it. Cept for ONE PUMP.......which has been changed, of course.

  5. I just used Flatworm Exit to treat an epidemic level of flatworms and while you may be correct on controlling them through small doses. I think that it causes other problems also. I noted may dead pods and bristleworms along with dead flatworms.


    I would and am think about using wrasses to control the population. I am told and have read that they are (or can be) good at controlling a population, but once it gets out of hand, then they can't keep up.


    I would just be careful what you put in your tank, do fresh water dips and hope like H-E-double hocky sticks you never get a real infestation of flatworms ... it sucks bad.





    That's exactly my point. If you've waited until it's the last measure, you're going to have a toxic mayhem on your hands.

  6. trash cans at either Lowes or Home Depot. Higher quality/thickness more $$'s. I use the 44Gal Brutes with covers and have had no problems at all. You may want to make a little wheelie thing to more the can around. I did for my salt can. For my fresh I made a table adn made a spichot for it.


    good luck,




    You talking about this?




    You can get rubbermaid brute trash can and one of their auto shutoff floats ($15) and drill 9/16 hole in top side of brute for the float. Add aquarium sealant around float valve hole for extra protection. You may also need to add on Hydraulic Automatic Shut Off to ro unit to shut off rodi once float shuts valve and pressure builds to shut of Hydraulic Automatic Shut Off valve. Both float and Hydraulic Automatic Shut Off can be seen on linked page above.


    Even if you get that can, you still need some type of control to turn off waste water from running on RO unit.

  7. Doug,


    Please put me down for the following;


    1 -red pocillopora - 10

    CJ bubble gum milli - 10

    small sm monti - 20

    mint acan lord w/ red stripe - 20




    John Wildman


    Dave's gorgonian is awesome, frag he gave last dec now has 8-10 arms and about 8-9" high now.


    Probably set up a little tank, but if you want any to reserve. I have:


    Passing on free to new home:

    2 -green yellow skirt zoos care of Lee Stearns



    blue tip stag (green/purple/brown, varies with lighting)

    orange cap

    green horrida



    2 -yellow/green tenius

    3 -red pocillopora

    3 -green pocillopora

    CJ bubble gum milli

    2- yellow w/ green polyp horrida

    chip's acro

    small blue tort

    3 -green with yellow tip torch

    2 -fuzzy green with purple tip table acro

    red milli

    monti hispida



    small sm monti

    2 blue tort

    mint acan lord w/ red stripe



    2 large sm monti

  8. My limited experience say they will move themselves to a place they like.





    I was told that long tentacled anemones must be in the sand. I have one that I put in a rock cravace, and from eying it, it looks happy. Should I move it? Will it move itself if it is unhappy? Thanks :-)

  9. I stopped by Wally's the other day for lunch. I have to say that I am impressed. They are working very hard to upgrade and improve the store. The peeps at Wally's were very friendly and seemed knowledgeable. I did not think their prices where out of line. They are also starting to stock better equipment.


    They do not have a huge amount of corals, but have some nice pieces. When I was there they were busy acclimating a large fish order. They are definetely on the right track.


    Anyways, one man's opinion :)


    Take care all



  10. I added 4 (yellow, purple, sailfin and blue hippo) in my 180 all on the same day. From what I hear it can be problematic to add tangs into an existing tank. It probably depends on the individual fish.


    I have heard you can rearrange your rocks, therefor removing the "existing territories" or I have also heard you can house them in an enclosure for a couple days in your tank, so the current enhabitants get used to the new ones.


    Wish I could add more. Might want to ping Craig, when he gets back from MACNA. I believe he has dealt with this before.


    Good Luck,




    Currently in my 210g I have a yellow, blue hippo and powder blue. I'd like to add 2 more and the clown and naso are a couple of my favorites. Will all of these Tang fishies get along?

  11. Yes it is a Nikota Model 06350 with a Jiang Dong Engine


    This model





    LOL. I'm surpised these portable generators don't have a remote tank of some sort for extended run time.

    John, do you know what brand generator it is? And what brand engine? $300 for a 6.5HP 3000w generator is starting to look pretty good.

  12. The Costco gen I got cost low $300 and is 3500W Peak, 3000W sustained, 6.5 HP. Run time if I remember (not sure I trust myself) :) is 7 hours on a tank.





    LOL. Same! haha



  13. Think there are a plenty of people who would be interested in hearing about this. Just my opinion





    Thanks Rocko918, maybe soon.


    Thanks CJake, I don't know if that many people would be interested in learning about it but if there is enough interest I might.


    Jenny thanks. Yes they are heavy, they are rocks :lol: The overflow cover weighs a ton. 1C:4CC and I free form them except for the overflow cover which I did used a form. It takes some practice to learn how to work with it for more complex rocks.


    Jason, it works great! I have coralline growing on them in under a month, pods hide in it, and coral grows on it with no problems. They just blend in with the other rocks with no hitchhikers. :biggrin: Just look at the last tank shot and see if you can tell how many are real and how many are home made.


    BTW, you can't kure (term used to bring ph down, not curing the cement) in your tank.

  14. When I gete home tonight I will give the exact specs on my generator, I probably have them wrong from memory. Is it loud? I really don't have much to compare it with. It is fairly loud. But to be honest, if the power is out and I need to keep my tank running, I dont really care :lol2: .





    That seems expensive for 650w. For about $200 more ($150 more with 10% off), a Troybilt one is 5x more watts. How loud is it?

    Hmm. Those look tempting, esp. if we can win one for around $150 shipped. :)


    It lists a 10-15hr run time at 50%, but its only a 1.5g tank. Is this because its such a small engine? The ones at Lowe/Sears are 5g with about same run time.

    How are you guys sheltering these generators for the elements? I don't have a car port or anything like that I could put it underneath while in use.

  15. I got one from Costco for just over $300. I believe it is 650W. I have tested it and run all my pumps, heaters and Tunze's. Full tank will run for 7 hours. Luckily I have not had to use it yet.


    John Wildman



    What's the noise differential between a 10HP vs 7HP engine?


    The primary purpose was to run the tank, but if I could run the tv, lights and computer, that would be a plus.


    Where do you guys put the generator when in use?


    A comparable Sears generator is about $100-150 more than one from Lowe's. What's so speical about the Sears generators?

  16. I too have the Tiger pistol and Yellow Watchman combo. They are great fun to watch and the Pistol definetely gets the award for "Busiest Creature" in my tank. He is always digging, moving sand and rearranging.







    I have a tiger pistol and yellow watchman that I added to my sea horse tank and it is absolutely amazing the sand moving and cleaning that has taken place in that 54 corner tank- Very neat and helpful combo!

  17. Traceroute might work better or shed more light at least.





    doesn't that have to do with the number of hops the route has to take. Compare it to something like Dave H's or Yanek's website? I'd think yahoo.com might be sitting faily close to the hubs....



    S:\>tracert www.yahoo.com


    Tracing route to www.yahoo-ht2.akadns.net []

    over a maximum of 30 hops:


    1 * * * Request timed out.

    2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms

    3 10 ms 6 ms 6 ms

    4 7 ms 11 ms 7 ms tbr1-p010401.wswdc.ip.att.net []

    5 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms tbr2-p013401.wswdc.ip.att.net []

    6 13 ms 7 ms 14 ms

    7 14 ms 7 ms 8 ms so-8-0-0.car3.washington1.level3.net []

    8 150 ms 225 ms 19 ms ae-21-56.car1.washington1.level3.net []

    9 8 ms 9 ms 8 ms

    10 10 ms 10 ms 9 ms ge-2-1-0-p150.msr2.re1.yahoo.com []

    11 8 ms 10 ms 17 ms ge-1-42.bas-a1.re3.yahoo.com []

    12 21 ms 14 ms 7 ms f1.www.vip.re3.yahoo.com []


    Trace complete.




    S:\>tracert www.wamas.org


    Tracing route to wamas.org []

    over a maximum of 30 hops:


    1 * * * Request timed out.

    2 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms

    3 8 ms 6 ms 6 ms

    4 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms tbr2-p011701.wswdc.ip.att.net []

    5 39 ms 9 ms 8 ms tbr2-p013701.wswdc.ip.att.net []

    6 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms

    7 7 ms 10 ms 13 ms so-5-0-0.mpr1.iad10.us.above.net []

    8 8 ms 8 ms 9 ms so-4-0-0.mpr1.iad2.us.above.net []

    9 14 ms 8 ms 7 ms so-4-0-0.mpr2.iad1.us.above.net []

    10 15 ms 8 ms 9 ms so-6-0-0.cr2.dca2.us.above.net []

    11 36 ms 39 ms 45 ms so-3-2-0.cr2.dfw2.us.above.net []

    12 50 ms 41 ms 42 ms so-5-1-0.mpr2.iah1.us.above.net []

    13 49 ms 45 ms 45 ms t289.216-200-251-162.iah1.us.above.net []

    14 43 ms 43 ms 43 ms gphou-66-98-241-28.ev1.net []

    15 44 ms 47 ms 49 ms gphou-66-98-241-121.ev1.net []

    16 46 ms 46 ms 41 ms ev1s-67-15-173-63.ev1servers.net []



    Trace complete.

  18. I use both, alternating and think it does the fish good. I have seen no ill effects at all.





    I used to have a small picasso trigger a while back, and he never bothered other fish. But he did bother small inverts, especially my hermit crabs. I actually though he ate all of them since I never saw any of the 100+ hermits around anymore. After I got rid of him (if I remember Mike 'clownfish' took him), all the hermits started coming out of the woodwork... Unbelievable!


    -- Rob

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