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Posts posted by dano

  1. just did a water change and I can't get the overflow to work right and the water is running over.... I have an overflow in the corner with a tube going down to the sump, and a white plastic bobber type thing with a longer extension tube on the vbottom and a smaller angled one at the top. I don't undertstand the way it works but haven't had problems with it in the past. So my problem now is that it either just hugs the bottom tube without lifting at all or lifts all the way to the top. Uusally, the overflow is about an inch or two below the tank level. It is now even with the tank level and the water in my sump is just an inch or two and sucking air... any ideas? Thanks much. Dano

  2. thank you... I have no idea what parameters are... I do know that tank was running very hot so I added a fan and took part of top off and I am now down to 78 (can't remember if I was at 84 or 87!) I don't feed very much and don't have a big bio load for a 72 with a 20 sump. I do have too much rock so I'm sure there are places that don't get enough flow though I do have a SCWD and 4 power heads in tank with a wavemaker. I have 6 T5 lamps and maybe I will turn off actinics and see if that makes a difference or change some of the older bulbs but none of the bulbs are over a year. And will do some more water changes. And fixed pump on my protein skimmer so I have the more effective one working agin now. thanks again for suggestions.

  3. I often use batches of ro/di salt water that have been sitting stagnant for months... maybe as long as 6 months. I then will add it as I do a water change without any further preparation other than checking salinity. If the water is really cold I will heat it to tank temperature but otherwise I will just add to tank as my tank runs hot and I think it is good to add some cooler water. Now I am not recommending that this is the best way to do any of these... it is just the way I've been doing it and it seems to work o'kay .... although now that I mention that I do have an issue with cyano... I don't know if that could potentially be related.

  4. About a month ago or so I found my brittle starfish (or is it a serpent starfish, can't keep it straight) in pieces spread out over a six inch area of my tank. I removed most of the pieces but put a couple of small pieces of leg in my sump. So I checked on it last night and those little pieces are moving ... they look like worms. Are they still alive? Will they grow a body? Thanks. Dano

  5. does anyone know the following coral dips and any recommendation as to which one to get for dipping new corals before adding to tank to rid of parasites... Seachem Reef Dip, Lugol's, or Kent Lugol's solution... thanks much. Dano

  6. took a quick look at my tank tonight and saw my brittle star ripped apart... two legs and half the body here, another two legs about 7 inches away, a small piece in a third place. My pencil urchin was in the vicinity... could he have caused the damage? they have lived together for a couple of years... only new livestock was cleaner shrimp, green mithrax, sally lightfoot, peppermint, snails.. then my night got even more bizarre as a bat flew into my shoulder and then as I was leaving a house a fox was walking up the walkway... thanks.. dano

  7. I have a 72 with a 20 gallon sump with ecosystem miracle mud and chaeto. Livestock is a large clarkii, 4 false peculas/osceallaris, a medium hippo, a medium yellow tang, a big three stripe damsel, a 6 line wrasse, a GBTA and two large RBTA, and various corals and inverts. I feed maybe twice a week a cube of frozen food, infrequently a piece of algae for the tangs and clowns. I feed the anemones a silverbrite twice a week. 10 to 15 gallon water changes generally about 8 - 10 times a year. I have no idea what my nitrates are. Have no spawning. alot of sponges growing. Some cyano bacteria growth. Fish and corals on the whole look good though my yellow tang is definitely on the thin side.

  8. I found my cowrie eating a coral today... wonder what others it may have eaten. So I'm taking it out of the home display and can either put it in the sump or in my office tank which does not have corals at this point. I do have a flame hawkfish there which I have been told will eat inverts. does eanyone know if it is likely to eat the cowrie? Thanks. Dano

  9. I bought a used Aqua 15 watt UV a few months ago and now have a growing outbreak of cyano. So I guess it is time to replace the bulb. It is set up horizontally and when I use the wiper water comes out of the plunger hole. So I was wondering if anyone had experience with these and might know if I need to replace any seals or the wiper and any recommendations of where to get the bulb and parts. Thanks. Dano

  10. Thanks to all for the explanations and offers... when I get a chance I will examine all the processes more carefully and post what the issue is/was (hopefully). I still haven't figured out how to post a picture so that may have to wait. Thanks again. Dano

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