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Jon Lazar

WAMAS Family Member
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Posts posted by Jon Lazar

  1. Can anyone tell me the best way?  Superglue?



    I set them on a small rock and wrap the rock and mushroom in tuille (tool), aka bridal veil material. You can buy it cheap at Wal-Mart. In a few days the mushroom will attach to the rock, and you can pull off the tuille.


    You can also fill a clear plastic cup with rubble, and drop the mushroom in the cup. The cup keeps it from blowing away, and the mushroom will attach. Lots of variations on this. You can pin the mushroom in place on your rockwork with a large snail shell, tiny piece of LR, etc. If the flow is low enough where you want it to go, you might be able to set it in a small crack in the rock.


    I haven't tried superglue because I think the mushroom is too slimy. Others may have made this work though.


    Hope this helps,


  2. :( Again, I am new to learning this site.  I am having major issues with getting these pics posted.  My camera takes high resolution pics and the mb's are nuts.  If Tom or Unni got a few, I emailed directly to them please let me know.


    Thanks For all of your support,






    I take hi-res pics too; here's what I do to save a low-MB version and post it.


    -Take the photo

    -Doubleclick the file, which launches "Windows picture and FAX viewer" on my computer. The key is to place it onscreen.

    -Crop the photo so unecessary junk isn't in it

    -Resize the "Windows picture and FAX viewer" so the picture I want to display is about 3" or 4" square.

    -Type CTRL-Prt Scr, which captures a bitmap of the whole desktop onto the clipboard

    -Open MS Paint

    -Paste the clipboard into the Paint program

    -Drag the mask tool around the picture you want to keep and copy it to the clipboard

    -Open a new Paint document

    -Paste the clipboard contents into the new document

    -Save the new document as a .jpg file

    -Post this file


    There are plenty of other applications you can download, install, and use to resize and transform photos, but everyone with Windows XP has all these applications, and after you do it a few times, it's quite easy.

  3. Thanks to

    Jon Lazar for his hydnopora, where do you recommend me putting it in the tank, under 250k?





    The mother colony of hydnopora was near the top of the tank under 400w MHs.



  4. Other issues may help you narrow your search. If you are constrained by room in your stand or foorprint in your sump brand x doesn't have one short/small enough, you can eliminate that brand from your search.


    You may find that buying used can save you a lot of money, if you can wait for someone to sell one. Lots of people upgrade to larger tanks and find they have to get new equipment to support it. Just add shipping into your calculation.



  5. dbartco,


    It doesn't matter whether I've had my Wheaties or not, I still struggle with these darn things. The worst is when I'm trying to remove a fitting while the loc-line is in the tank. When the fitting finally comes loose, my hand whacks into the LR or coral with force, and I knock something over and splash water everywhere.


    I've resisted buying one for the same reasons (only one known application, and it's expensive), but if I ever find my 240g dream tank, I'll probably break down and get one. Not smashing a coral with my clumsy hands is worth the $18.



  6. If anyone's looking for softies, my sinularia are still way too large, and I can cut large pieces for $20. Most of the pieces would be 5-8 inches long with lots of smaller branches coming off; definitely much larger and fuller developed than a "frag".


    I've only got one green left, but several of the cream and pinkish ones.







  7. Tang-away,


    If I remember your setup right, your feed line goes under the carpet to your tank, right? One of your roomates may have stepped on the feed line, putting a crimp in it. Another possibility is something is stuck in your feed line somewhere between the water pipe and your first filter element...either from the water company flushing the lines, or just mineral buildup.


    I would troubleshoot for both by running a temp feed line from your water source to the RO/DI inlet. At least that would eliminate that piece of the puzzle.


    You might also have a blockage in some of the tubing that runs between the different filters. If this were the case, you could replace the filters all day long and still have a problem.


    Good luck,


  8. So I guess I'm saying that I would like to give it a try, unless anyone thinks I really shouldn't :)





    I'll reserve a piece of the orange montipora digitada for you. Please let me know prior to the meeting if you change your mind and decide you don't want it after all.




    Jon,  if no one else takes the Pulsing Red Sea Xenia,  Green & brown favia, or the  Orange zoo rock I will take any or all of them.





    I've got you down for xenia, the favia, and orange zoos.



  9. Jon Lazar:


    I would be interested in the orange montipora digitata if my tank lighting is strong enough - I have 260 watt pc.  Would that be enough?  From what I've read, it needs moderate to strong lighting and flow, but as to what 'moderate' actually means I'm not sure.





    Whether your 260W is enough depends on how large you tank is, how good your reflectors are, and how close to the surface you place the frag. If the lights aren't bright enough the coloration may fade, but IME m. digitada is one of the hardiest SPS. Do you have any LPS in your tank, and if so, how are they doing?



    id be interested in a piece of that aweosme orange digi.


    also to anyone is interested i still have acanthastrea miscromussa frags for $70 the frags are around 1/2 inch. they are red and green striped. if oyu want pics lmk i can email you pics. i will also trade frags of this coral. im looking for sps, rics and other acans or if you have an etra 150 watt hallide pendant we could work something out.





    I've got you down for an orange montipora digitada frag.



  10. My tank temp has been consistently going up to 85F.  I don't want to kill everything in it so it looks like I need a chiller unless someone has another idea.  I'm all ears.




    Do you already use fans? I've got fans blowing through my hood to move all that hot air away from the water. Another fan blows at the water's surface to increase evaporation, which also lowers the tank's temperature. I have no problem keeping my tank at 78F, even when my MH are on.



  11. Jon--would you be willing to trade the xenia for a small frag of purple montipora digitata? It is small--about 1/2 inch--I got it at the last meeting--but it's doing well. And is mounted..


    Does the green and brown favites need a lot of light?







    Favia are fine in medium/low to high light...my book says anywhere between 4-9 on a 1-10 scale. (The coral is actually favia, not favites; I labeled it wrong in my post).


    I'd much rather sell the xenia than trade because I don't have much room to put yet another coral. But I could be persuaded, especially if it's a particularly nice color :) Do you have any pics?



  12. My old tank developed HA despite a low bioload and minimal feeding (2-3 times per week max). I fought a long battle with HA in my old tank, and tried everything under the sun. I'm no expert, but here's what I did.


    Used only RO/DI water for make up and water changes from day 1, and monitored water quality with TDS meter

    Changed RO/DI filters

    Performed 20% water change every two weeks

    Checked tap water and RO/DI for PO4 and Si contamination

    Ensured skimmer produces sufficient skimming (DAS-2 skimmer on 125g tank)

    Algae occurs when CaRx is off

  13. Here's some pics of the corals and frags I'd like to find new homes for. My tank is getting way crowded, and I still have the SeaCrop frags in my quarantine tank that I have yet to add.


    Pinkish, cream, or green sinularia (full size cutting) $20



    Orange Montipora digitada frag $5



    Pulsing Red sea xenia $15 for 4-5 stalks mounted



    Green & brown favites (full size coral ~3"x6") $30



    Orange zoo rock (~1"x2" rock, 20+ zoos) $20




    Pictures of the rest are in my gallery.


    Caramel montipora digitada frag $5

    Branching hydnopora frag $5

    GSP mat 2"x7" unmounted strip $15



  14. I've got a few corals I'd like to sell to make room, and some frags as well:


    Pinkish, cream, or green sinularia (full size cutting) $20

    Red sea xenia $15 for 4-5 stalks mounted

    Green & brown favites (full size) $30

    Orange Montipora digitada frag $5

    Caramel montipora digitada frag $5

    Branching hydnopora frag $5

    Capnella mounted $5

    GSP mat 2"x7" unmounted $15



  15. Make sure it's not a cracked bulkhead. I replaced a bulkhead this weekend while doing an upgrade, and the bulkhead cracked and started leaking some time during the night. The leak wasn't much faster than a quick drip, but it made a mess inside the stand.



  16. YGPM


    i live in the DC area and i am just starting a reef tank. I really ned some coral frags and i was wondering if any of you are selling frags. I am looking mostly at soft corals. Maybe some sps. TIA


  17. Anyone know a LFS that has one of these in stock? I was in Roozens and The Reef Tank today before the meeting and neither did. I'm seeing a little bit of bryopsis and want to eradicate it before it becomes problematic. I'm doing all the other things to combat algae too, but would like to get a grazer.



  18. Fellow reefers,


    I'm a relatively new member looking to buy or trade for some new frags.


    Here's what I'd love to find:

    Red/pink pocillopora

    Green montipora digitata


    Monti. cap (green/purple, bright orange, or yellow)

    Any non-brown acropora

    Blastomusa (branching or encrusting)

    Tubastrea (sun)

    Branching euphyllia (frogspawn) w/ bright green tips

    Tubinaria (scroll)

    Yellow polyps (yes, yellow polyps!)


    Here's what I have to trade:

    Red sea xenia (pulsing)

    Branching green hydnopora

    White, tan, and bright green sinularia

    Green star polyp mat from the back wall of my tank

    Greenbucks from my wallet


    Can send pics.



  19. I want to thank everyone too.  This was my first meeting, and I had a good time.  The great thing about an organization like this is meeting people with similar interests and exchanging ideas.  I've fragged my own corals for some time, but I still learned a few new techniques from others.  Look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting!


    Happy reefing,


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