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Everything posted by mr11

  1. The "pre-cured" rock I bought from quantum reefs. That's the terminology that was used to describe the rock. What it specifically means I am not sure. I would assume the rock has been allowed to cure for some period of months and was no longer leeching phosphates or causing an ammonia spike. Although I believe I caused a die off from transporting the rock. Zygote, do I need "real" live sand to effectively run a tank? Won't the live rock eventually seed it? I tested nitrites just for curiosity's sake and they are reading 0 so I'm definitely in the ammonia stage. Patiently waiting and looking to aquire a skimmer and some lights.
  2. Hey everyone, So here's where I stand: -50-ish gallon tank and a 20-ish gallon sump filled with RODI water and mixed with salt to a specific gravity of 1.022-1.023. I'm starting FOWLR and moving to reef later, hence the slightly low salinity. -I have 35 lbs of marco dry rock and 10 lbs of pre-cured live rock growing purple coraline. I've added 40lbs of live sand. - Two Koralia 1150 power heads. 1 Eheim universal 3400 pump. Two Eheim 125 watt Jager heaters. Tank heated to 79 degrees. - Ammonia is reading .25-.5 ppm according to my API test kit. So my question is what is next? Since I apparently have an ammonia source (die off from transporting liverock through 495 traffic?) do I need to do the rotting shrimp or ghost feed techniques to kickstat a cycle? Anything else I'm missing. Sorry for the book, just a newbie looking to do things the right way. Thanks and here's a pic! Forgot to take out the thermometer...
  3. Thanks guys, glad to be representing Maryland. I did go ahead and pay the $20, lots of cool stuff on here. I'd love to go to the meetings but I don't think I'll be in town for the October one unfortunately.
  4. Hi everyone. So I've wanted a saltwater tank since I was a kid and I think I'm finally ready to take the plunge. I've been reading around the forums to get a handle on the kind of commitments I can expect with a saltwater tank and to try to get an idea of the equipment I might need. I live in an apartment (have any of you had experience with a reef tank in an apartment?) so I'm actively looking around for a 40-65 gallon setup depending on what kind of deals I can find on the used market. Or are there any deals to be had in the local shops in the area? I'm looking forward to starting this adventure and just wanted to introduce myself. I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions as things progress!
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