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Everything posted by ReeferMadness

  1. Rabbit fish will eat all ur algae
  2. ive documented with videos the problems straight out of the box. Evergrow did reply back and say they found the problem and it turned out to be the programming on the board itself. Not good. Since you can't apply any firmware updates to this product the entire board has to be replaced. Waiting on replacement parts now. Ill shoot a video on the fix in steps. To stop both controllers from firing - set one of them to 0 and the other 1 or etc.. that way the second remote becomes dead. If both of your lights are not firing in sync or stop syncing when changing settings. then apply your settings till you see them in light 1 and then hit ok. then hit menu again once or twice more to have the other light sync up with the change. the second light falls behind when making changes and then gets stuck.
  3. I'm not gonna get long winded about this topic. But two things 1) thanks for the responses and working on the issue. I'm not gonna say appreciate it because honestly I expect a 100% functional product. I expect superiror level of service from erc. And yes I have received the later in vendor services but would rather just have a working product. 2) very simply when u put ur brand on the line through a foreign manufacturer then consider doing internal testing on the product. It'll only help u in the long run. But ur a great vendor already so please take with a grain of salt. Thanks again for ur help in this matter. And yes this does raise some eyebrows on the quality of the new evergrow w series light. For one they have no onboard controls. U can't control different lights seperatly. One remote will overide all fixtures. If u loose ur remote or it breaks ur screwed. Why would evergrow shoot themselves in the foot with this hindsite.
  4. One week plus later and still no fix from evergrow or offer of refund or replacement from the vendor. Not good. Thanks evergrow screwed me over during Xmas with faulty light and no rolling into my bday with my tank looking like *&#@. Yah!!!,
  5. Male got stressed and or clownfish disease and died. Had three set die the same way. Wait a while on clowns and maybe get other fish.
  6. Kessils grow sps fairly well. But they are right under the spotlight.
  7. Did u buy two and try to controll both together. U can't control one light. . The remote sends out a universal signal. What I think is happening is the remote and lights don't know what setting they are on. Don't know why. Can't turn light two off or on. Light will only run either 100% blue or 100% both even when dimming. Moonlights stopped working after 20 mins of use. I'm very dissapointed in the lights and quality control of the lights. But then again my experience might be diff although for $500 retail per light.. you'd expect a little more compitence from the manufactuerrrs. Same with the gyre $300 pump .. overpriced boxed toys selling for commercial grade prices.
  8. ERC - has nothing to do with them though. Thinking the ramp /remote/sync multi Lights is buggy and or hardware issue. They are posessed. Change settings even when the remote goes into sleep mode.
  9. Defective hardware. Putting kessils back on after 36 hours of headaches
  10. Anyone have these? Getting some really odd control issues using two in sync with the remote.
  11. https://vimeo.com/115838140 Gonna miss my kessils. The shimmer is just soo nice.
  12. Great vendor - Exotic Reef Creations
  13. sweet! just got home from picking up my new it2080w's. Also picked up a custom sump which i will be turning into a gravity fed refugium/thingy Guess ill be busy tonight try to shoot some vids and stuff. never did a "unboxing" before.. lol
  14. Get a rabbit fish. One week ur algae is gone. Then sell it
  15. I always loose fish writhing 48 hour period in couples. One dies and then kills another. Unfortunetly my lion fish killed my Chinese sea gobljnm.
  16. Thrive is a good setup. Pricey but good.
  17. Have a deep 240 with three kessils 350w .. looking to sell these for something with more punch. Looking at 2 evergrow it2080, 3 Ai hydra geN 2 Anything else you rec since my upgrade will be only 200-450 in cost. Thanks
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