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Everything posted by Duke

  1. I am using RODI water. My girlfriend recently lend me her d120 led to better growth my sps. Should I run a gfo when I upgrade to my 125g?
  2. Looks like the brands of tank can vary in sizes. I got a petco brand 10g in which I should have gotten an Aqueon. My 55 is an Aqueon and maybe that's why it didn't fit? Maybe I'll head to lowes and buy double for each baffle. How am I going to explain these scars?? All that trim tearing, silicone cutting, glass breaking for nothing… :/
  3. I got the tank from petco. After taking apart the glass. It's not a perfect fit
  4. Well hopefully turning back on my wave maker solves this problem. I do notice bubbles are trapped under what appears to be purple, violet slim. Thanks for everyone's help!
  5. On another note. I have noticed a lot of bubbles floating to the surfaces. A lot more than I ever had since I've had this tank running.
  6. It has been running since July. I originally had it running on a canister filter. I recently just got a overflow box and now it's running thru a 10g sump with a sca1 skimmer.
  7. I did leave my wp40 unplugged for at least a week. I figured it was too much flow for a 46g. Right now I was just running a maxijet. Maybe that was what caused it in the beginning?
  8. Here's a shot of one that's stuck to my glass Wouldn't the crabs make it worst by spreading the spores?
  9. Just a couple of nights ago I noticed little bubbly substance on my rocks, I didn't really think much if it. Now I'm getting worried, it's taken over half my rocks and now onto my corals! I'm 100% sure this is bubble algae. I've tried fighting it with a turkey Baster but its literally an uphill battle. Has anyone dealt with this issue? I need help! I don't know what to do.
  10. Guess there won't be another episode of "The Swimming Dead"
  11. That makes more sense. Are there any cases of anyone catching these little ones and rising them to be successful?
  12. As a matter of fact, I have both in the tank. Babies maybe?
  13. Nothing fits without a slight modification though, how hard is it to cut like half an inch from the glass? The smallest piece leaves like a 2" gap, and the bigger piece is sitting crooked.
  14. I turned off the pumps and they're different flopping their little legs. It's that kind you get at like petco, what ever brand that is, Nothing special.
  15. I didn't notice until I had my blue lights on, little specks of white swimming around. It's definitely brine shrimps, I have pods and they're on the glass, and rocks. Wish I had a nice macro lens to show everyone.
  16. So earlier today, I dropped a cube of brine shrimp in my tank to feed my corals and fish. Just now I notice that hundreds of brine shrimps are swimming around in my tank. Can it be that these shrimps thawed back to life? It blew my mind just now!
  17. So what pieces am I actually using to go in the sump?
  18. Lost a side piece. But these are still good
  19. This is not easy at all! Already cut myself numerous time but, gotta finish what I started! Wish me luck!
  20. No way! That's an awesome idea. Thanks!
  21. Thanks for all the info guys, I think I'm going to double up the sheets of glass for each baffle. I built a 10g previously using acrylic but its starting to bow at the last baffle to the return. Can't imagine what'll it be like for a 55g so I'm a bit hesitant going that route.
  22. I'm getting ready to build my sump this weekend. It's for my 125 and the sump is going to be a 55. Has anyone ever used Lowes or Home Depot glass on a build this size? I believe they only sell 1/8" glass. My local glass shop is being really difficult and they will not take my order because they are really backed up they say. Wanted to see before going out of town to purchase my glass, if anything thinner than a 1/4" will work.
  23. When I brought my turbo snails home from the lfs, two of them hitch hiked on the back of some. I think they are baby turbo snails.
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