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Everything posted by reefbox

  1. So, after 6 months of having this tank sitting around, I finally got around to begin plumbing it. I've been keeping reef tanks since 2004, but i've never really had a dedicated "display" . So here goes! I'll post up pictures of the tank, sump and ato to give people an Idea of what i'm working with. I LOVE my LPS and Zoanthids, so this tank will mostly consists of those and a couple different strains of tough sps who don't mind being in with "softer" coral. I've come across some pretty crazy sps and corals in general, and i'm focusing on a system dedicated to them, So heres a list of my overall plan for System filtration / etc. lighting: Radion XR30 -TIR Gen1 ( Soon to be upgraded to either G2 or Pro ) Water flow- Since I decided to go with 3/4" acrylic, I am forced to get a pump made for systems that are at least 180 gallons due to the wall thickness! - Vortech MP40 or 60 / Possibly even Tunze Streams, Haven't Decided yet, but I'm open to Suggestions. GFO/ Media reactors. - This is something that i've seen in different forms etc. I believe that not two tanks are EXACTLY alike in their needs or filtration, After many years of doing this and working at Local Aquarium Shops, I've learned that Reef keeping isn't an exact science. What works for one person, may not necessarily work in the same manner for someone else. Too Many Variables! From what I've seen, there is one particular shop that uses a combination of Refigium, Bio-Pellets, "Sea-Gel" , Skimming, Rowaphos and water-changes to maintain some pretty amazing tanks. I've also seen friend's tanks who only employ Skimming & Water-Changes.. So it all depends on your tank. Since i like to feed my corals alot. I'll be running GFO and bio-pellets along with Skimming. -Filtration- Rowaphos/ Bio-pellets and a Reef Octopus Skimmer. -Reef Devil 160XSS - Stay Tuned!
  2. most hobbiests aren't aware of hidden expenses . Marine scene just happens to be hit by several locality taxes, thus drving up costs.
  3. I'm interested to see what people have to say about this shop.
  4. the Monti's i picked up last week are doing well..
  5. Look at This thread fly! That's what happens when your corals reflect the effort.
  6. Thanks for the post John. Definitely helpful looking at your build.
  7. I'm not sure. But he does sell some nice corals. More of a noteworthy experience.
  8. I had no idea what I was missing out on with SPS. NOW I understand.
  9. Got a couple frags from Copps today at the meet. EPIC coloration and quality. I definitely recommend buying your corals from this guy. No pests what so ever. Thanks again Copps!
  10. Bluer light sucks. :p
  11. You see? That's what I'm talking about. Colorful corals not basked in blinding annoying super blue light.
  12. Personally, I'm tired of thinking that some coral looks amazing, only to find out its brown. Especially. , if I payed alot for it.
  13. So basically, false advertising and taking the easy road are acceptable? Wow. Corals can be colored up with proper nutrition, and it doesn't take much effort.
  14. Hmm. I'm sure alot of people didn't like that last thing I said. No where in the ocean is pure super bright blue....just sayin
  15. cool. I appreciate it. Definitely would like some rainbow acans in my tank!
  16. I was also wondering when they were cut as well. Sorry for all the questions. I'm interested in buying and am curious when it comes to these things.
  17. can we see these under white light please?? Rainbow acans I mean.
  18. I'm surprised more people don't ask. Think of it this way, the brighter the coral under "actual" color spectrum, the higher intensity under actinic photos in your tank!
  19. That's what I usually ask vendors to do. The ones who know their corals aren't as advertised seem to get real upset from such a simple request. I've been diving before, and sure, there is some blue light in the spectrum. But not neon or actinic-blue color only..
  20. Title says it all. Anyone have any experience with this kit?? Please post if you do. Thanks! http://www.rapidled.com/8-x-solderless-triple-puck-kit-with-dimmable-drivers/
  21. yea, that was my first impression. more opinions! keep em coming!
  22. Below, is a photo of Chalice that I ran across online. Now, this isn't meant as a flaming what so ever. However, it is simply being used as an example to gain opinions of photography technique. I just want people's opinion on this type of photo, Just looking for unbiased opinions. At first glance, does this photo look like its been edited in any way? Or does it simply look to be a natural representation of the specimen's true and actual pigmentation. Thoughts are appreciated, and I urge posters to keep things civil. Thanks,.
  23. Went to this vendor a couple days ago and picked up some really nice corals at a good price. Nice colorful corals without the excessive blue lighting. Glad theyre around!
  24. 300 gallons of coral farming in the works

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