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Everything posted by zoltarblue

  1. Yea it does not say Reef Club Group Buy. I even went through the link on the email they sent me.
  2. Got my email to the latest group buy but instead of saying group buy when I sign in it says prefered reefer. Is this the same different any one know? They are closed until Monday so thought I would ask here
  3. Very cool and 30 percent off to boot. Any idea for sure if it will work with Koralia pumps it doesnt say
  4. No sandstorm. I guess maybe its about how they turn on and from the second they do its full blast and I can see corals rock a bit when they kick on. Would be nice if it was a gradual build up thing. Just bought a real nice orange tube aneome from Aquatic Obssesion and he seems really unhappy in my tank he keeps moving around and he is now no longer in the sand but in a hole in a 15 lb rock or so that supports the main center of my reef. Hope he does not die in there I would have to take the whole thing apart to get the corpse out. Corals seem to be doing well I have nice polyp extension and growth. Just not sure on everything.
  5. Been running now since late July with my tank. Dimensions are 72 long 18 wide 24 deep 120-125 gallon. I have mostly SPS but I do have one or two LPS including a large elegance. My question is about my power heads. I have one on each end of the tank. They are Hydor Koralia Magnum 6's link here http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=15955&ref=4032&subref=AA&cmpid=PPC-G-4032 They are the most silent power heads I have seen they do not make a sound but I think I have way to much flow from them. The water travels so fast in my tank. I do have them set up on a wave maker so one runs 3 minutes then the other. I would like some opinions since I am considering getting different ones. Maybe MP40 since I know you can control the flow on them or something similar. So big question is are these to big and too much for my tank
  6. Had that happen to me in January Jan. I went to Toronto for a few weeks for work. Came back kids ate like crazy but wife wouldn't eat or come out of hiding for days. She didn't have any spots or heavy breathing either, well at least not until that weekend that is:)
  7. Loved your tank the first time I saw it. Hard to believe it looks even better now. Great tank
  8. I have a Sicce Synvra 5. Thing is extremely quiet I just got it about a month ago very happy with it
  9. Check this out I bet it looks great. http://www.liveaquaria.com/diversden/ItemDisplay.cfm?c=2733+2&ddid=141572
  10. I agree with Zygote on one of his earlier posts about letting the worms stay. This one though after I saw it attack that snail I just couldnt. Yea Jan this sucker was super fast to. If it had not gone back in the rock right when I saw it lord knows when I could have gotten it out or what else it would have killed.
  11. Lets just say he did not survive the flush
  12. Got him. I picked up the rock and he had a hold of that piece of shrimp and just fell into the bucket with it. Might have had to do with the water being cold also not sure. Kinda looks like a bristle but that snot stuff was everywhere under the rock and on the shrimp so pretty darn sure it is a Oenone especially since I saw it attack a live snail
  13. Thanks for the responses. I put the rock and it is a large one in a white five gallon pickle bucket over night. I put in enough salt water to covert the rock to try and keep it alive. To test if I got it I put a small piece of shrimp also in the bucket against the wall. The shrimp is gone this morning so I guess that means I definatley got him. I am worried about killing everything on the rock like everyone has said with most of the methods and starting a small cycle again when I put the rock bak in. This rock has many many hole it is very poreous so it is going to be next to impossible to guess which hole unless he sticks his head out and I see it. I have heard of the club soda trick before as well, something about submerging the rock in it, the high CO2 content drives everything out of the rock. Will this kill everything else though on it? Going to try something this morning so keep the comments coming please
  14. Sunday night even before my lights went out I saw a large Nassarius snail literally get grabbed by a worm need my rock work. it coiled around it and started pulling it under the rock. I grabbed the snail but it was covered in a snot like goo. The worm looked like just a bristle worm also. I did some research and have concluded it is this dreaded beast. Tonight I set a tube trap for it. Unfourtunatley my snails were all over the trap. The worm has appeared from under the rock. I scared it and it went I am guessing back into the rock. I have removed the rock and have it in a bucket filled with my tank water. Question is how do I get the worm out if it is still in there. I do not want to break the rock apart. I have read soda water and even boiling the rock. Do not know anything about any of this. I am assuming boiling the rock will kill everything coraline etc on or in the rock. Suggestions and thoughts please.
  15. I have that exact one Jan, you saw it when you were over. I have had it since start up end of July it has worked fine no problems at all.
  16. Got 4 big bags all ready to go teeming with mico-stars. One bag already spoken for. Has to be picked up today please send pm first come first served
  17. Got this guy from Petland today so shout out to them. I really like how this one is mounted to make it look like an actual tree.
  18. Ok then. Yea I had read Indo ones die a ton that is why I weant with an Aussie one from Divers Den. Just the flow thing bothers me. If any one lives by me I live in Manassas by the Super Walmart off Liberia avenue feel free to stop by and take a look if you care to. i have ben out of the hobby a long time before I came back this year
  19. Got an Aussie Elegance 2 weeks back from Live Aquaria. I think its doing really good. Did my homework on them. Put in in the sand like recommended. Moderate light, and I though the right amount of flow but I want to make sure. I know they need low to moderate and it is not getting blasted by a power head and was getting what I felt was indirect flow. Here is a pic of it, and then a pic of it where it is placed. Thing I am wondering about is when that powerhead comes on, I have them on a wave cycle it gets what I think is a bit more then moderate flow. It is not getting hit but I guess the water getting sucked in and pushed is creating a disturbance. Any thoughts? I do not want to hurt it and it appears fine just concerned about the amount of flow.
  20. I am suppossed to be out of town for work Jan but if it cahnges I can help and we can use my truck
  21. I am trying something a bit different today. Was trying to get some acrylic cut but that fell through. Not only do I want to put covers on mine but also reduce the light to keep algae from grwing in them. I went to Lowes and bought black window film. Cut it to fit my overflows. I am using outdoor waterproof double side tape, I cut it in thirds so they are very thin, running that across the "D" shape itself then just sticking the film to that. Ill let you know how it works
  22. Ok already spoken for. If they dont pick it up Vadim you were second person to pm me so its yours then
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