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About Sham

  • Birthday 07/12/1977

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  • Location
    Herndon, VA
  • Interests
    Getting a 28 gallon JBJ LED tank very soon!

Sham's Achievements


Hatchling (3/13)

  1. Gorgeous! This is putting a fire under my butt to hurry the heck up and get my tank up and running! I GOTTA get me a clam!
  2. Yep. 19" HP monitor. It's yours if you want it. Thing is, I haven't set up my tank just yet. So if we have a deal, then I won't be able to get the coral just yet.
  3. I forgot to check how big mine was last night. I'll hopefully remember to tonight.
  4. I'll check mine at home, but I think it's 19" and I know it's widescreen.
  5. I'm looking more into the clown fish and porcelain crab. Whichever anenomes are cool with each group, I'll pick up the corresponding one. I'm picking up a 175 gallon tank today... I'm hoping that I'm not getting in over my head... But I'm pretty sure I am! heh heh I've been doing a ton of research and I have a book or two that could probably answer these questions for me, but I'm at work and wanted to pick the WAMAS Collective brain. I've been looking at around 40 to 75 gallons, but this opportunity presented itself and I jumped. And I'll definitely have sand on the bottom. This will be more for the coral than the fish, but what fish I have, I want to stand out.
  6. Thanks, PupChow! Now, what about having two anenomes in one tank? How big should the tank be?
  7. Just a few quick questions: What order do I introduce my livestock into the tank if I want to form a symbiotic relationship? Anenome THEN coral fish? Coral fish THEN anenome? Both simultaneously? Same question, but for a porcelain crab instead of coral fish. And finally, can I have both 2 anenomes and coral fish AND a porcelain crab in the same tank? If so, then how big should my tank be?
  8. So, I had a betta fish that died of the ick a few months back. A friend of mine has a betta and I am giving him all of my old stuff- including my fish bowl. I've only rinsed it out. Is there still concern for the ick being left behind? What steps should we take to ensure I don't pass it on to his betta? We have fish bowl cleaning wipes- is that enough?
  9. If I don't use it, what should I do? I was originally planning on getting a 28g nanocube. Should I trade it/sell it to get money to put toward that? Should I stick with a big tank and use it as a sump/refugium? I just want this to be fun and easy, but all I hear are the negatives with non-drilled tanks.
  10. On that orange label, just under the black edge: Warning: Do Not Drill Glass xxxxxx I couldn't read the last word. Could it say bottom?
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