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Everything posted by wade

  1. How are people getting from/to the airport? The supershuttle deal?
  2. I'm going via Dulles although we return at nearly the same time. Perhaps we can ride share back to DEN Sunday.
  3. I finally got my hotel and flight settled. Though I do not have transport from airport>downtown yet. Anyone else flying in very early Friday? Leaving late Sunday?
  4. Ya'll should get sponsorship from Ecotech or Geissemann or someone with LEDs to provide blinkies. Of course, carrying around power supplies tucked into your belt might get a bit tiring, but I guarantee you wouldn't be missed then!
  5. I am considering DIYing some pre-filters for all of my sump related pumps (ca reactor, media reactor, etc). In looking around, I have not found anything retail that would seem to work as well. I would like a very open cell type foam (the really course stuff like you can get pre-made for the Mag drive pumps). Has anyone done anything like this? The inlet pre-filter would need to have a gap around the actual intake, be easy to remove and clean, and be sturdy enough that the pump won't collapse it and restrict water flow mechanically. Sources for parts? Ingredients? I'm considering maxijet1200 and/or Sicce (0.5 or 1.0) as feed pumps (my last mj1200 died). Thanks for input!
  6. Looks like the reduced rate rooms at hotel are all gone now. Boo.
  7. Take them along. Leave them in the local playground with a cell phone. It'll be fine!
  8. Thanks for all the input. The line actually drops by about 1" into the sump. Good question on the inline valve, I have not tried removing that. I don't see buildup in the impeller on the pump, but perhaps I should find a course filter foam for the feed line. Cheers!
  9. What do you guys recommend for a reliable (I've burned through 2 pumps and failed to keep a constant flow on my return line so far) for your Seabones reactor? The reactor effluent always drops to a fraction of what I set it to within days of being adjusted, so I cannot keep up with tweaking it well. It is currently offline due to the failure of the 2nd pump I put on it (one a dc3000 with 2 feed lines and the other a mj1200). Thanks!
  10. Just curious as to who is going. I have tickets, but haven't yet made travel or stay arrangements, though I do plan on going at this point. Who else is going?
  11. Maybe they need to run it as a kickstarter to kick things into production speed? *hint hint* *nudge nugde*
  12. If you can sell MACNA tickets to another person? I've never looked into it and another trip might supersede my planned trip out to Denver. If you can, is there a process you need to go through?
  13. I would certainly press for a refund. The more pressure they get from the people to whom they are providing a service, the more likely they will strive to achieve an outcome.
  14. Inevo's link now cannot be found.
  15. I just got a note from reeftronics (as my system was failing to update all day):
  16. Thanks all. I still have my set of diamond hole bits. If I am able to pull this off, I will probably go with a 1" drain line and do a return over the back to minimize leakage potential.
  17. I found quite a few references saying Corallife are tempered on bottom, but not back. That works.
  18. Ah. youtube to the rescue. Found a couple of videos of people drilling the back of these tanks. Sweet. That will help a ton.
  19. I actually did some poking around online and haven't found much yet. Was hoping someone here would know offhand. Will keep searching.
  20. Have been thinking about adding a 29g tank to my system (common sump with my 180) to house some anglers/leaf/scorpion fish of some type. Does anyone know if you can drill the back or bottom of these tanks?
  21. On-shore winds pushing the gulf stream in close can do this. It won't last very long... the cool thing is that sargassum tends to wash in with it and there are tons of interesting critters attached.
  22. Looks like it might be a stomatella (with big eye stalks), hard to tell. Does it look or feel like it has a shell inside?
  23. Perfect, thanks! I have a whole house (rechargeable) filter after my softener as well, so it is actually pretty clear softened water. I was leaning in that direction, it just means a little more work to install a new port/valve for the RO. I have an existing spigot pre-softener, but will add a post-softener one before I proceed. Thanks again for the input!
  24. I am moving my typhoon system to the basement (from the kitchen, my wife is happy!). Right near where my water enters the house, so I have two options: 1- connect the RO unit after the water softener OR 2- connect the RO unit to the incoming unsoftened water (~225 hardness, lots of Ca, Mg)... Does it matter? Thanks!
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