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About eck_john

  • Birthday 05/22/1974

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    Fairfax, VA

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Hatchling (3/13)

  1. Hi, I'm looking to borrow a drill bit to drill some glass. I'm looking for 1/2" and 3/4" sizes. I'm in the Fairfax area, near George Mason University, so the closer you are to that the better (I work in Springfield, so that could work as well). I'd be happy to leave some cash or something else with you so you know that I'll return them. Thanks, JOhn
  2. I have a Hippo, Tomini and Sailfin Tang all in a 4' 75 gallon. They've all been in there for over a year and I haven't had even a small problem, no fights, no sparing and no disease. I've always been told that as long as the body styles are different you should be ok. But, I'm sure that's not always 100% perfect thinking. Lots of hiding spots helps, I also bought mine at approx. the same time and they were all fairly small at that point.
  3. eck_john


    Is this an RBTA?
  4. eck_john


    Is this an RBTA?
  5. Thank you all for the responses. Looks like everyones in agreement about the RO/DI. In answer to the questions that were asked: --I live in Fairfax, right by George Mason Univ. I'll try and update my profile --My corals are some mushrooms, a torch, a brain, a bubble coral, a large leather, an elegance coral, and some other assorted sps. I also have a clam and a few flame scallops. I just started the hobby about 1.5 years ago, so I'm trying to learn as I go. The system I run now is as basic as it comes. Just a bio wheel filter, protein skimmer and UV. All of which hang off the back. Its simple but, its worked well. I've basically had no problems with pests and the filters have kept the water quality fairly constant and good. One last question, because I've been using water from my lfs, I've only really been adding Calcium and Alkaline to the tank. With RO/DI water do I need to add more nutrients to the tank? John
  6. I'm just about to go from a 75 gallon coral and fish tank to a 180 gallon coral and fish tank. I'm looking for advice on what the easiest way to make the move is. I don't make my own water and was hoping to avoid having to buy 180 gallons of water at one time, mostly because I don't have anything to carry that much water in. My thought right now is to go get water from a store, about 30 gallons per week, doing a water change in the 75 gallon tank and taking the water I'm taking from the 75 gallon tank and putting it in the 180 tank. I'm also figuring then, that I need to buy some cheap canister filter to filter the water that I am putting into the new tank until I have enough water in the 180 to get water into the overflow and start filter with the permanent filter system. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Am I missing something? Any better way to do this? I'm also going to need some more live rock and sand, so if anyone wants to donate some or is selling some cheap let me know. One last question. Can you over filter a tank? If I buy that temp canister filter, would it be bad to put it in the line with the other filters I will use permanately on the 180 (sump, protein skimmer and UV)? Thanks for any help.
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