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Everything posted by dgasmd

  1. To be quite honest, I think you could go with neither one and be just fine too. Don't get me wrong, I have a DSB in my new tank and had one before as well. I truly think these systems actually come in place to play a bigger role in larger systems that are very heavily loaded with fish AND corals with inefficient skimming. That is just my biased view though. On the other hand, it does offer some level of buffering when things start to go down hill.
  2. I guess you could use a 20K 400 in the middle with two 6500K on the sides and actinic VHO to max out the icecap. That is going to be a lot of light for a 120 tank and make sure you have that chiller ready to go because you will need it for sure regardless of how many fans and AC you have going. Geofloors have two 6500K 400 on his 120 with fans and an AC in the room and needed to get the chiller going due to the heat. I suspect you will ahve similar problems. I honestly don't think you need that much lighting to keep everything you mentioned here. You could just as well go with the 250 10K or 6500 and add VHO actinic for coloring. Will do just as well I think. Good luck
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